Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points
- Against the Spirit of the Reaper: Heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I bind and cast out every spirit of the Reaper that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy in my life. (John 10:10)
- Against the Spirit of Lack and Poverty: O Lord, I decree and declare that every spirit of lack and poverty in my life is destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the mighty name of Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
- Against the Spirit of Stagnation: Father, I come against every spirit of stagnation hindering my progress. By the power in the name of Jesus, be removed. (Isaiah 40:31)
- Against the Spirit of Backwardness: In the name of Jesus, I break every chain of backwardness and command it to be broken and destroyed by the blood of Jesus. (Joel 2:25)
- Against the Spirit of Antiprogress: Lord, every power of antiprogress assigned against my destiny, be scattered in the mighty name of Jesus. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Against the Spirit of Retrogression: By the authority in the name of Jesus, I cancel every spirit of retrogression working against my advancement. (Philippians 3:13-14)
- Against the Spirit of Penury: Almighty God, I rebuke and cast out the spirit of penury in my family line, in Jesus’ name.
(2 Corinthians 9:8)
- Against the Spirit of Laban: Lord, deliver me from all manipulative spirits like that of Laban, who seek to exploit and delay my blessings in Jesus’ name. (Genesis 31:7)
- General Binding and Loosing: Father, in Jesus’ name, I bind every spiritual wickedness in high places operating against my life and lose Your blessings over me. (Matthew 16:19)
- Against Generational Curses: In Jesus’ name, I break every generational curse of poverty, failure, and retrogression over my life. (Galatians 3:13)
- Against Envy and Jealousy: O Lord, every spirit of envy and jealousy working against my progress, I command you to be destroyed in the name of Jesus. (James 3:16)
- Against Financial Bondage: Heavenly Father, I come against every form of financial bondage and declare my freedom in Jesus’ name. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
- Against Muster Spiritual Attackers: Lord, demolish every evil altar where plans are made against my progress and prosperity, in Jesus’ name. (1 Kings 18:38)
- Against Spirit of Fear: I rebuke the spirit of fear that causes me to doubt God’s provisions and power in my life, in the name of Jesus. (2 Timothy 1:7)
- Against Spiritual Blockades: In Jesus’ name, I command every spiritual blockade hindering my blessings to be removed by fire. (Isaiah 45:2)
- For God’s Favor: Lord, let Your favor attract wealth and the right opportunities to me; I reject every spirit of lack in Jesus’ name. (Psalms 5:12)
- Against Delayed Blessings: By the power of God, I break every chain that is causing a delay in my blessings, in Jesus’ name. (Daniel 10:12-13)
- For Divine Protection: Heavenly Father, surround me with Your warriors and shield me from every attack of the Reaper and its minions. (Psalms 34:7)
- For Spiritual Restoration: Lord, restore unto me all that the enemy has stolen, in Jesus’ name. **(Joel 2:25)**
- For Breakthroughs: In Jesus’ name, I declare breakthroughs over every stagnant situation in my life by the power of the Holy Ghost. **(Joshua 1:8)**
Affirmations of Prosperity with Scriptures
- I declare that God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
- I am blessed in the city and blessed in the field; all that I set my hands to shall prosper.** (Deuteronomy 28:3)
- The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.(Psalms 23:1)
- The Lord has given me the power to get wealth, to establish His covenant.** (Deuteronomy 8:18)
- I am blessed going in and blessed coming out; the enemies rising against me shall be defeated. (Deuteronomy 28:6-7)
- The Lord shall open unto me His good treasure, blessing the work of my hands, and I shall lend and not borrow. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
- The Lord takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. (Psalms 35:27)\
- The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow. (Proverbs 10:22)
- I believe all things are possible to him that believes. (Mark 9:23)
- In all labor, there is profit; my hard work shall yield a bountiful harvest. (Proverbs 14:23)
- The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; abundance is my portion. (Psalms 24:1)
- I am a branch in the Vine; as I remain in Him, I bear much fruit. (John 15:5)
- I delight myself in the Lord, and He gives me the desires of my heart. (Psalms 37:4)
- Whatever I ask in prayer, believing, I shall receive. (Matthew 21:22)
- I shall not lack any good thing. (Psalms 34:10)
- I will seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first, and all these things shall be added unto me. (Matthew 6:33)