Dear Heavenly Father,
Lovely is your name and greatly to be praised. Father God, we appreciate all that you’ve done since the conception of time. Father God, we ask that you continue to do a good work in us. Father God, thank you for reminding us in your word that faith without works is dead. Father God thank you for reminding us not to have faith in you with partially. Father God, You are not a respecter of persons. You do not sway to the left or to the right – you’re fair and stable in everything you do. Father God, help us to act according to the way that you do. Father God, we repent for showing partiality, in all areas of our lives. We repent for the spirit of unbelief. We repent for the spirit of disbelief. We repent for saying things like, “I’ll believe it when I see it”, “I doubt that would happen”, “That could never happen to me”, “God would never do that for me”, having thoughts that God would help everyone else but yourself, “God hates me”, “God doesn’t trust me”, “God doesn’t care about me,” and all other ways of doubt, lies, and fear. They’re simply lies made by the enemy to keep us held back. But today we break off the chains of lies and despair in Jesus’ name.
In Jesus’ name, I speak to the hippocampus and all other areas of the brain where thoughts and memories are stored. I command every spirit of fear that is attached to our thoughts and memories to be bound right now with chains of fire and I cast you to the pit. I command anything in the spirit that has our thoughts captive to loose our thoughts right now in Jesus’ name. I bind and cast out all evil thoughts that would attempt to enter the people of God. To the dry barrens place you do. I speak to the neurons of the brain and body. I command the neurons to reject every word curse and every thought that is not like God. I command the neruons to reject all thoughts of doubt. All derailment of the train of thought ceases by fire now in Jesus’ name. I command all trains of thought to be firmly reestablished with no spot in the name of Jesus. I speak to the hippocampus – hippocampus any doubt, fear, bad judgment, partiality, mental impairment, and all other cognitive issues – by divine edict, you cannot store these things within the people of God. I command the angels to chase out every wicked thing in the hippocampus and other functioning parts of the brain in Jesus’ name. I command partiality to leave our bodies now in Jesus’ name (repeat 3 or more times with authority and vigor). I soak the hippocampus in the blood of Jesus. Heavenly Father, help us to place the helmet of salvation gently on our heads as we proceed with our healing.
I release this divine edict of decrees in Jesus’ name: I decree and declare that our faith will work together with our works. I decree and declare that by works our faith will be made perfect. I decree and declare that righteousness is our portion. I decree and declare that on this day our faith will be made whole in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that on this day our faith will be made whole in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that our faith will grow exponentially. I decree and declare that our faith will ignite like a match.
I speak to all areas of self-esteem – know that you are loved. You are beautiful. You are an amazing person both inside and out. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and we praise God because of that! We know that full well according to Psalm 139:14. I decree and declare that on this day we will walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). I decree and declare that on this day, that excitement and expectation will be our portion! May our Fatih be pleasing in your sight.
- By Fatih, begin to release prayers unto the Lord according to Matthew 21:22
- May our faith be made well in your sight and healing be our portion like Mark 10:52
- By Faith, become immersed in the word and read it out loud. Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ according to Romans 10:7
- By faith, Father reminds us of the things we’ve hoped for according to Hebrews 11:1
- May you increase our faith like Luke 17:5
- Help us to stand firm in Fatih 1 Corinthians 16:!3
- Help us to live by faith like Romans 1:17 with full surrender.
I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus and it is so.
In Jesus name,