- Father, I thank You for the gift of life which none other can give except You. May Your name be praised, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I thank you for your mighty hand upon my life and for protecting me from the eye of evil men, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I pray for pardon for all my shortcomings and for crucifying you again and again, let your mercy speak for me, in the name of Jesus
- Father, I come to you for deliverance from every ancestral and generational curse, hear my voice today and deliver me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I thank you for making provisions for my deliverance from every form of bondage of ancestral and generational curse, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your mercy, erase every of my sins and the sins of my ancestors, that have led to this generational curse, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, as I engage in this prayer to break the ancestral and generational curse at work in my life, I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I release myself from any inherited bondage of ancestral and generational curses, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, send Your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantation in my life operating as a result of ancestral curses, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Let the blood of Jesus flush out from my system every inherited satanic deposit in me as a result of a generational curse, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Let the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every organ in my body, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I break and lose myself from every inherited evil curse, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I vomit every evil consumption that I have been fed with as a child, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be rendered impotent for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I cancel the consequences of any evil local name attached to my person, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every destructive effect of polygamy to lose their hold on my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every evil foundational plantation come out of my life with all its roots, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I break and loose myself from every form of demonic bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I release myself from every evil domination and control, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the blood of Jesus be transfused into my bloodstreams, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed forever by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus, I cleanse myself from every inherited curse, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your word, I break every foundation of generational curse at work in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood, I command every evil blood covenant at work in my life to be canceled, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your mighty power, I break every stronghold of ancestral curse only family, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every generational man of the graveyard contracted to protect us in exchange for our glory be nullified by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every strongman of the family set to cut short our glory be cast into fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I cancel every generational curse of early death in my family by the word of God, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I cancel every covenant that the first sons of my family are initiated into by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood of the covenant, I disengage myself from every initiation of the blood of darkness entered into by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your mighty hand, bring me out of every generational cage where I am kept, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the word, release me from every generational prison that ancestral and generational curse has kept me and my glory, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every ancestral and generational curse of stagnation and limitation at work in my life break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by authority, I command every serpent brought by our ancestors, and is now a curse to us to catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I break the hold of any python at work in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your word, I command every generational python that has and is still swallowing our glory to die and release our blessings, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the blood of Jesus come on the scene and cancel every blood of the innocent crying in my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood, I break the curse of a snake rearing its head against any member of my family, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I break the strongholds of every foundational strongman at work in my life and family, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, break every ancestral and generational curse that has held us down in my family and give us freedom, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood of the covenant, I break every generational exchange of glory in my family lineage, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, thank you for this ancestral and generational curse is finally broken, in the name of Jesus.
Not sure where to go to make a one on one appointment. This is very urgent.
Not sure if you ever found it, but here is it: http://deliverancechronicles.org/book-an-appointment/