The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalms 34:7
Prayer after seeing human vampire bats:
Father, you said in your word according to Luke 10:19,” Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan), and nothing will [in any way] harm you. “
In the name of Jesus, all human vampire bats roast by Holy Ghost fire. I burn all of their eggs by fire that are hidden in corners.
I disarm and bind all spirits, stripping them of their armor and spoiling their goods.
I render them powerless, shieldless, weaponless, and defenseless in Jesus name.
I deactivate the power and force and neutralize any mandates that they are carrying against our destinies, finances, jobs, ministries, children, and all of our possessions. I deactivate all of it, nullifying the stings of astral poisons that bring infirmity, rejection, shame, and all kinds of chaos and destruction in our lives. Nothing shall touch us, as we declare according to Exodus 13:21, that the Holy Ghost is a pillar of fire around us, hindering them from touching us in Jesus’ name.
I destroy everything that stands as a reinforcement or blockade over us. I send the blood of Jesus up the chain of command to the head demon that has been assigned to be our overseer, of all of these workings against us in Jesus’ name.
In the name of Jesus, according to Numbers 10:35, I scatter and destroy all astral forces that are against us by land, sea, and air.
I nullify all evil word curse frequencies being spoken over me, my baby and my ministry (True Foundation Apostolic Ministry) and all of your people around the world. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
You have to possess the gates. Bind them and disarm the strongman, vanquish him, and then take possession of the person’s life, nullify the covenants between the realms, and destroy every evil operation in the life of the person by day and night after you uproot it.