Father, in the name of Jesus, I come to you to pray a prayer of release for Free Masons and their descendants. In the name of Jesus, we bind the spirits of deception, the spirit of Antichrist, all spirits of witchcraft, spirits of death, hell, and grave in the name of Jesus. Father, we come before you in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord God, thank you. Thank you for your presence, and for your angelic armies, that there are more with us than there are with them. We thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have disarmed principalities and powers, triumphed over them, made an open show of them, and you finished the work. Thank you Lord that you will punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth. You said, that if two or three agree, touching anything on earth, you will do it for us in heaven, and we thank you for your safety in this atmosphere right now in the name of Jesus.
Father, we list the following entities and refer to them as the group, Vanitose, Nix, Scotus, Moros, Coros, Hypnos, Aneroid, Momos, Mori, Nemesis, Apatai, and Iris. We address these entities as the group, and we declare Father in heaven, as we come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to renounce this group, the family of death, and our associated bloodlines, genetics, ungodly DNA strands, bone marrow, cellular programming, anchors and markers in all the powers of darkness, associated with these and serve them a bill of divorce. We pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, agreement, certificate, oath, and vow to entangle us, and we demand they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.
So in the name of Jesus, we pray that your heavenly host will be put on assignment to discover and apprehend every altar or part belonging to us that is loyal to the group, the family of death, or our associated bloodlines and pray that those parts will be escorted to the feet of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, to be purged of their group’s components and completely healed and delivered in the name of Jesus.
We now deed all territory in our socket by the group, the family of death, and our associated genetic code markers, bone marrow, ungodly DNA strands, cellular programming, and blood in all sentient intelligence, along with their agendas, connected realms and timelines over to the kingdom of God and we invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron. We include all essences, in Jesus’ name.
In the name of Jesus, we now bind all gatekeepers and discover every portal access point associated with the group, the family of the death, and our associated genetics, markers, bone marrow, ungodly DNA strands, cellular programming, ultra-strong holds, and blood in all sentient intelligence, along with their agendas, connected realms, timelines, and all associated counterfeited inheritance. We place the blood of Jesus at every portal access point in all timelines, every realm, age, and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity, and seal them with the Holy Spirit. We declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated from this point in time and out of time, forward and backward in every direction inside, out, upside down, back and forth, reverse, and inverted vortex.
We take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and cut ourselves free from the group, the family of the death, and all associated genetic markers, bone marrow, ungodly DNA strands, cellular programming, and blood, including all sentient intelligence, along with their agendas, related realms, timelines, and counterfeited inheritance, in Jesus’ name, amen. We return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, root, power, genetic code, pride, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance in Jesus’s name. We sever ourselves from it, and from this point in time, and all the time forward and backward in every direction inside, out, upside down, back and forth, inverse, inverted vortex to speak, that we receive our inheritance in Jesus Christ. We also declare your word, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. We say that the wealth held hostage by the group, the family of death, and the associated bloodline, that we receive it as recipients of wealth transfer in Jesus’ name. Furthermore, our physical children are inherited by Jesus Christ. We receive them and their redemption in Jesus Christ. We renounce all children related to the group and our associated bloodlines that undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. We command their judgment and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water, in the name of Jesus, amen.
We now receive a blood transfusion, a new breath of life in Jesus Christ. In the process, we declare that all that is family of the death, circuitry, nano tech, back doors, front doors, side doors, trap doors, infinite doors, quartz, insects, vampiric structures, reset devices, energy-draining devices, implants, wires, cables, chips, computers, chains, programs, backup programs, power sources, backup power sources, receptors, robots, embryos, fetuses, clones, and eggs are destroyed by the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. We declare that all of their residue is purged with living water. We also reclaim and receive every part of us that has been imprisoned by the group, or in their realms,in Jesus’, amen. We appeal to justice and pray that the family of death would now reach 100 fold, return for all the evil sown against us, our ancestors in all whom we represent. In the form of justice, in judgment, in rap, arrows, lightning, hailstones, tsunamis, living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus’ name.
We now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of us and around us that has been operating due to the group in our associated bonds, launch, genetic code, markers, ungodly DNA strands, bone marrow, cellular programming, assignments, judgments, and blood. We decree and declare you are discovered, apprehended, pierced through, and thrusted out of us for judgment. We also discover every part that is a composite of genetic components of us and others associated with the bloodlines and held together by cords that bind. We decree and declare the cords are cut. The three-fold cords are cut, and then each part is separated into its components. All the mono components and components that are not of us are now bound. We declare that all of them are sent to the abyss by the true Lord Jesus Christ in his name, amen. Lastly, we pray that every spiritual object, type 2 device, label, jewel, amulet, necklace, earring, crown, ring, bracelet, charm, garment, center marker, power source, tracking device, system grid, or branding place to be known around every part of us to anchor in the group that is the family, would be consumed in the Holy Fire of Jesus Christ and dissolved, closing every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call it completely sealed in Jesus’ name.
We render this entire confession established everywhere Jehovah is, yes and amen. Father God, creator of heaven and earth, we come to you in the name of Jesus to Christ your son. We come as sinners, seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you and all others made in your image. Father, we honor our earthly father and mother and all our ancestors of flesh and blood and by adoption, but we utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. Father, we forgive all our ancestors for the effects of their sins on our children and us. God, we confess and renounce all of our sins. We renounce Satan and all of his works over our family and us, in the name of Jesus.
We renounce Satan and all of his works in our family and us, in the name of Jesus. Father God,we renounce and forsake all involvement in freemasonry in any other lodge craft or secret society by our ancestors and ourselves. We renounce witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, and we renounce Baphomet, the spirit of the Antichrist and the curse of the Luciferian doctrine. We renounce the idolatry blasphemy, secrecy, and deception of masonry at every level. We specifically renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, covetousness, greed, and the pride and arrogance that would have led our ancestors into masonry. We renounce all the fears that held them in masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of man, and fears of trusting in the name of Jesus Christ. We renounce every position held in the lodge by any of our ancestors, including Tyler, Master, Worshipful Master, or any other. We renounce the calling of any man, Master, for Jesus Christ is our only Master and Lord, and he forbids anyone else to have that title. We renounce the entrapping of others into masonry and observe the helplessness of others during the rituals. We renounce the effects of masonry passed onto us through any female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. The blue lodge, first degree, we renounce the oath taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the first or entered apprentice degree, especially their effects on the throat and tongue. We renounce the hoodwink, the blindfold, and its effects on emotions and eyes, including all confusion, fear of the dark, fear of the light, and fear of sudden noises.
We renounce the secret word belaz, which stands for the left pillar of the temple of Solomon. We renounce the mixing and mingling of truth and error and the blasphemy of this degree of masonry. We renounce the noose surrounding the neck, the fear of choking, and also every spirit causing asthma, hay, fever, emphysema, or any other breathing difficulty. We renounce the compass point, sword, or spear held against the breast, the fear of death by stabbing pain in the fear of heart attack from this degree, in the name of Jesus Christ. We now pray for the healing of the throat, Lord, our vocal cords, nasal passages, synopsis, bronchial tubes, allergies, and asthma for healing of the speech, and the release of the Word of God to us and through our family and us. Anywhere the Second degree has taken place, Father we renounce. We renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us, and the curses involved in the second or fellow crap of masonry, especially the curses on the heart and chest. We renounce the secret words y’all can, which designates the right pillar of the temple of Solomon, and stubble up, which means I am that I am. We renounce the blasphemy of these words because only God can say these words.
We cut off emotional hardness, apathy, indifference, unbelief, and deep anger from our family and our. In the name of Jesus Christ, We pray for the healing of the chest and lungs, heart, and area, for the healing of my emotions and to be made sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God once again. We renounce the third degree oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us, and the curses involved in the third or master mason degree, especially the curses on the stomach and womb area. We renounce the secret words Mahabone, Mahabben, Makbena, and all which mean, to be brought down or brought under. We renounce the meaning of tubal cane, meaning is benevolence and Cain was after all a murderer. We renounce the spirit of death from the bloats to the head and acted as a ritual murderer, the fear of death, false martyrdom, fear of violent gang attack, assault or rape, and the helplessness of this degree. We renounce the falling into the coffin or stretcher involved in the ritual murder. We renounce the false resurrection of this degree because only Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life. We also renounce the blasphemous kissing of the Bible on a witchcraft oath. We cut off all spirits of death, witchcraft in deception in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, We pray for healing of the stomach, gall, bladder, womb, liver, and any other organs of my body affected by masonry. And we ask for a release of compassion and understanding for my family and me. We renounce being resurrected into the light of masonry. York right. We renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or us and the penalties and the curses involved in the York right of freemasonry, including these degrees. We renounce the fourth degree, Mark Master, the secret word Japa, the keystone, the mark, and the penalty of having the right ear smote off causing permanent deafness, and the right hand chopped off for being an impostor. We renounce the fifth degree, past Master.
We renounce the secret words and the curses of the penalty of having the tongue split from tip to root. We renounce the sixth degree, most excellent Master, with the penalty of having the breast torn open and vital organs removed and exposed to rot on the dunghill. We renounce the so-called seventh degree, Holy Royal Arch, its secret words, Jabalon, which stands for Bale, and the penalty of having the brain exposed to the scorching rays of the meridian sun. We renounce false Communions or the Eucharist of mockery, skepticism, and unbelief about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ or the cross of Calvary. We renounce the eighth degree, Royal Master, the oaths, secret words, and curses. We renounce the ninth degree, select Master, and the penalties of having the hands chopped off to the stubs, the eyes plucked out from their seconds, the body quartered and thrown among the rubbish of the temple. We renounce the secret words connected with this degree. We renounce the tenth degree, super excellent Master, and the penalties of having the thumbs cut off, the eyes put out, the body bound in fetters and brass, and conveyed captive to a strange land. We renounce the eleventh-degree, Knights of the Order of the Red Cross. We renounce the oath and its accompanying curses. We renounce the secret words Judah and Benjamin to give a character of lion and wolf respectively. We renounce the spirit of the roaring lion, the devil himself. We renounce the twelfth degree, Knights Templar, the secret word, Keb Ray Oath. We renounce the oath and the curse of having the head struck off in place on the highest spire of quissendium if ever the secrets come out.
We renounce the drinking of wine from the skull of death. We renounce the thirteenth degree, Knights of Malta, the secret word Mahesh Allal Hashbaz, in reality, Isaiah’s son. We renounce the taking on of another person’s sins and the curses and oaths involved with this degree. Ancient Accepted Scottish right, we renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the ancient and accepted Scottish right, including renouncing the fourth degree, Secret Master, the secret word Adonai with the Masonic meaning of God of darkness and evil and the penalties of all former degrees. We renounce the fifth degree, perfect master, and the secret word Mahabone, meaning to be brought down, and the penalty of being smitten to the earth with a secret and with a setting mall. We renounce the sixth-degree, intimate secretary. We renounce the secret word Jehovah and the false meaning given to it. We renounce the penalty of having the bodies dissected and the vital organs cut into pieces and thrown to the beasts of the field. We renounce the seventh degree, Provost and Judge the secret words Hirom Tito Siviki and the penalty of having the nose cut off. We renounce the eighth degree, intended of the building, the secret word Akajajai, and the penalties of having the eyes put out, the body cut in two and the bells exposed. We renounce the ninth degree, elected Knights of the Nine, the secret words Nika and Nika meaning vengeance, and the penalty of having the head cut off and stuck on the highest pole in the east as a monument of we renounce the tenth degree, illustrious elective fifteen, the secret word of Ilanam, and the penalty of having the body opened perpendicularly and horizontally exposed to the air for eight hours so that flies may prey on it and for the head to be cut off and placed on the highest pinnacle in the world. We renounce the eleventh degree, sublime Knight selects of the twelve, the secret word Stolken Adonai, God of darkness and evil, and the penalty of having the hand cut in twain. We renounce the twelve degrees, Grand Master Architect, and the secret word Rob, the name. We renounce the Masonic building pattern from all of my life. We declare that our life is built on the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ and none other in Jesus name. We renounce the thirteenth degree, Knight of the Knight Arch of Solomon, the secret word Jehovah, and the penalty of the body being given to the beast of the forest as prey. We renounce and break the curse of our life being in peril of death. We renounce the fourteenth degree, Grand Elect Mason or Perfect Ilu. We renounce and break the seal of the great architect of the universe. We renounce and break the seal of the Antichrist in Jesus’ name. We renounce all curses of disease and we renounce the curse of inflicting vengeance upon those who renounce free Masonry. We renounce the secret words connection to this degree. Councils of princes of Jerusalem. We renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the council of princes of Jerusalem degrees of Free Masonry.
We renounce the fifteenth degree, Knights of the East, and the secret word, Rafa Dome. We renounce the sixteenth degree, Prince of Jerusalem, and the secret word, Tabad-Adah, and the penalty of being stripped naked and having the heart pierced with a poignard. For the fifteenth and sixteenth degrees together, we renounce being a warrior to protect the building of the temple of the great architect of the universe and for the Antichrist. We renounce all alliances with the Prince of Persia. We renounce break and destroy the law of the Medes and the Persians. We renounce all allegiance to the law of the Medes and Persians. We renounce being intimidated by the Prince of Persia, Chapter of the Rosicrucian. We renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the chapter of the Rosicrucian degrees of Free Masonry. We renounce the seventeenth degree, Knights of the East and West, the secret word, Tabad-Adah, the destroyer, and the penalty of incurring the severe wrath of the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth. We renounce taking on the name of the demon of death and hell. We renounce the lordship of Abad-Adah in our life. We renounce the ritual blood sacrifice that occurs as the candidate purifies himself or herself by washing their robes in their blood. We renounce this as false cleansing. We renounce becoming our sacrifice for atonement of sin. We renounce the shedding of our blood for the atonement of sin. We break the curse of false Masonic atonement. We renounce and break the curse of untimely death.
We renounce the false breaking of the seven seals. We renounce the mockery of the Lamb of God. We renounce the eighteenth degree, Knights of the Pelican and the Eagle, the sovereign Prince Rosicrucian of Herodum, the secret words Igne, Natura, Renovato, and Tehgra, and the penalties of being forever deprived of the word to be perpetually in darkness and for the blood to continually be running from the body to suffer without intermission. The most cruel remorse for the soul that the bitterest gall mixed with vinegar would be the constant drink and the sharpest thorns would be the pillow and death on the cross with complete the punishment. We renounce all beliefs that we are perfect. We renounce all beliefs that we need to be purified with fire-free masonry. We renounce that God purifies His children, in the name of Jesus. We renounce all ungodly suffering that comes from this degree. Father, we renounce the spirit guide of masonry. We renounce any imparted inability to receive God’s grace. We renounce and reject the Pelican witchcraft spirit as well as the occult influence of the Rosicrucian and the Kabbalah in this degree. We renounce the claim that the depth of Jesus Christ was a calamity and also the deliberate mockery and twisting of the Christian doctrine of the atonement. Father God, we renounce the blasphemy and rejection of the deity of Jesus Christ and the mockery of the communion taken to this degree, including a biscuit, salt, and white wine. We renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the council of Codosh degrees of freemasonry. We renounce the 19th-degree Grand Pontiff and the secret word Emmanuel and all ungodly meanings. We renounce any evil that has been associated with the word Emmanuel.
Father, We renounce the false masonic throne and scepter. We renounce the masonic anointing as a priest forever after the Order of a Melchizedek. We renounce being in the priesthood of Satan. We renounce the stars of the zodiac and all the powers of darkness associated with astrology and divination. We renounce the false doctrine of the 144,000 of the Book of Revelation. We renounce the oath of total obedience to the masons and renounce what we chose to obey and we choose to obey the Lord Jesus Christ alone, in Jesus’ name. We renounce the 20th-degree Grand Master of symbolic lodges, the secret words Jackson Stolken, and the penalties of all former obligations. We renounce the quest for cult knowledge and the false truth of Freemasonry. We renounce the 21st degree Knight of the Prussian Knight and the secret word Pellag which means divided. We renounce the 22nd-degree Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince Livinus and the secret words Noah, Bezaleel, and Sodenias. We renounce the power of the masonic acts to cut down the people of God. We renounce the acts of freemasonry that oppose the building of God’s Tabernacle. Father, we renounce the 23rd degree Chief of the Tabernacle, the secret words Uriel Jehovah, and the penalty that the earth should open up and engulf this person to their neck untill they perish.
We renounce the 24th-degree Prince of the Tabernacle and the penalty of being stoned to death and that the body would be left above ground to rot. We renounce the 25th-degree Knight of the Brazen Serpent, the secret words Moses Johannes, and the penalty of having the heart eaten by venomous serpents. We renounce the 26th-degree Prince of Mercy and the secret words Gamel and Jehovah Yakin and the penalty of condemnation and spite by the entire universe. Father God, we renounce the 27th-degree Knight Commander of the Temple and the secret words Solomon, the word to the mason stands for the following Saul as Latin for Son of God. Um, is the Hindu name for deity, and own refers to the Son God of Egypt. We renounce the penalty of receiving the severe strap of God inflicted. We renounce the 28th degree Knight Commander of the Son or Prince of debt, the secret words Stibium, and the penalties of having the tongue thrust through with the red heart iron, the eyes plucked out, the senses of smelling and hearing removed, the hands cut off and in that condition to be left for voracious animals to devour the victim or to be executed by lightning from heaven. We renounce the 29th degree Grand Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew and the secret words Necoma Furlac. We renounce the penalties and oaths associated with this degree. We renounce the 30th degree Council of Cadosh, Grand Pontiff, and Knight of the Black and White Eagle, the secret words Emmanuel, Stibium, Al Cabar, Farosh Coe, and all they mean with all the former penalties applied. We renounce the Consistory of Sublime Princess of the Royal Secret.
Father, we renounce the oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the curses involved in the Consistory of Sublime Princess of the Royal Secret Degrees of Freemasonry, including the 31st-degree Grand Inspector and Quisitor Commander. We renounce all the gods and goddesses of Egypt, which are honored in this degree, including Anubis, the ram’s head, all sun gods, including Ra, Ray, Atten, Osiris, Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, and also the Moon Goddess. We renounce the Mother Goddess Diana or Artemis. We renounce the soul of cherries and the false symbol of immortality, the chamber of the dead, and the false teaching of reincarnation. We renounce the 32nd-degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and its secret words fail and Farosh Coe. We renounce the Mesa Masonry’s false trinitarian deity, Ium, and its parts, Rama, the Creator, Vishnu, the Preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. We renounce the deity of Ahura Mazda, the claimed spiritual source of all light and worship with fire, which is an abomination to God and the drinking from human skull and some rights. Father,ee renounce the 33rd degree Grand Sovereign Inspector General, the secret words Demole, Haram, Abbef, Frederick of Prussia, Misha, Masha, Billum, and Adonai, the god of darkness in evil and its penalties being all the former ones, including having the tongue torn out by its roots. Father, we renounce and forsake the Declaration that Lucifer is God. We renounce the cable toe around the neck. We renounce the death wish that the wine drunk from a human skull that should turn to poison and the skeleton whose cold arms are invited at the oath of this degree is violated.
We renounce the three infamous assassins of their Grand Master, which are the law, property, and religion, and the greed that crept involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind. We renounce the Shriners. We renounce the oaths taken by my ancestors, Rami, and the Cpersus and penalties involved in the ancient Arabic order of the nobles of the mystic Shrine. We renounce the piercing of the eyeballs with three Egypt blades, the flaying of the feet, and being forced to walk on the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike with a livid plague. We renounce the madness, the hoodwink, the mock hanging, the mock beheading, the mock drinking of the blood of the victim, the mock dog urinating on the initiate, and the offering of urine as a commemoration. We renounce the worship of the false god, Allah, as the god of our fathers, and all of the degrees and secret lodges in societies. Father,we renounce them all. We renounce any other secret words attributing false gods and names to God and idolatrous symbols such as Horus. This all-seeing eye was the emblem of Osiris, the sun god, and the creator worshiped by the ancient Egyptians and passed off on current-day masons as the eye of the one true God, but it is not. The G, which the lower degree masons are told represents geometry or the great architect of the universe whose upper degree masons learn that it is Lucifer, but actually can stand for whatever little G god one chooses, and in books, for the upper degrees means generating principle or phallus. The blazing star symbolizes various pagan gods and witchcraft, and the obelisk which symbolizes the phallus or penis is an emblem of resurrection, but not Christian resurrection, which is the resurrection of Christ. The mark is in the form of squares and angles which marks the person for life. The point within a circle in which the first three degrees of masons are taught represents the individual masin inside the bounds of Masonic duty, but which is revealed to be the upper-level masons to represent the sexual union of Osiris and Isis, signifying the political net powers of nature. The Masonic square and compass which likewise represents the sex act, the apron, a symbol of the Masonic belief that salvation must be earned which is a direct violation of scripture. The jewel or talisman may have been made from the smart sign and worn at lodge meetings. The Shriner’s Fez celebrates the Muslim massacre of 50,000 Christians in the Moroccan city of Fez and all others. We renounce all the legions to individuals or organizations that conflict with the primary legions of our life. Jesus Christ has revealed in God’s word the Bible. We ask God to cut off all these curses in their effects on our family and us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for the healing of any area where healing is needed by any of us. Father, we renounce all other oaths taken by any of our ancestors or us and the rituals and the curses of every other lodge, degree, and order in any other secret society involved in freemasonry anywhere in the world.
These include, in part, Prince Hall Masonry, the lodge structure for American Blacks, the allied degrees and Grand Orient lodges of France, Italy, Central, and South America, the Red Cross of Constantine, the Order of the Secret Monitor, the Masonic Royal Order of Scotland, the Order of Amaranth and the Women’s Orders of the Eastern Star of the Ladies Oriental Shrine and the White Shrine of Jerusalem, the Girls Orders of the Daughters of the Eastern Star, the International Orders of Job’s Daughters and of the Rainbow and the Boys Order of Demole. We renounce involvement in any of our ancestors or any other secret societies with ties to Masonry such as Mormonism, the Royal Order of Gestures, the Manchester Unity Order of Odd Fellows, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and its women’s auxiliaries called the International Association of Rebecca Assemblies, Buffalo’s, Druids, Foresters, Orange, Elks, Moose and Eagles lodges, the Ku Klux Klan, the White Supremacy Movement, the Grange, the Woodman of the World, Writers of the Red Robe, the Knights of the Thias and the Mystic Order of the Vale Prophets of the Enchanted Realm and their effects on us and all our family. We renounce the New World Order, the One World Government, the Illuminati, the Philosophical Society, Cobalism, the Third Reich, the Fourth Reich, and any other organizations involved with the Mason’s Infotanic Conspiracy to Rule the World. Father, we renounce the Ancient Pagan Teachings of the First Tracing Board, the Second Tracing Board, and the Third Tracing Board, which are used in the Ritual of the Blue Lodge. We renounce the Pagan Ritual of the Point within a Circle with all its bondage and phallus worship.
Father God, we renounce the occult mysticism of the Black and White Mosaic checkered floor with a tessellated border and the five-pointed blazing star. We renounce the Symbol G and its Veil of Pagan Symbolism and Bondage. We renounce and utterly forsake the great architect of the universe, who has revealed in the highest orders and the highest degrees as Lucifer and their false plan to be the universal Fatherhood of God. We also renounce the false plan that Lucifer is the Morning Star and the Shining One, and We declare that Jesus Christ is the Bright and Morning Star according to Revelations 22:16. We renounce the All-Seeing Third Eye of Freemasonry, Horus in the forehand in the obelisk and their Pagan and occult symbolism. We renounce all false Communions taken, all mockery of the Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, all unbelief, confusion, and depression, and all worship of Lucifer is God. We renounce and forsake the lie of Freemasonry that man is not sinful, but just imperfect, and so can redeem himself through good works. We rejoice that the Bible states that we cannot do a single thing to earn our salvation, but that we can only be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and what he has accomplished on the Cross of Calvary. Father God, we repent and seek forgiveness for the sins committed by our ancestors and us of walking on unholy ground, including Freemasonry, Mormon, occult, and Pagan property dedicated to the worship of false gods. Also, we repent for the sin of idolatry committed by our ancestors and us of looking to anyone or anything other than the one true Savior, Jesus Christ, for salvation, rescue, protection, or provision. Also, we renounce a version of justice practiced by the Freemasons or any other organization to which our ancestors or we have belonged. For the collaboration of the Freemasons and the satanic conspiracy to rule the world, Father God, we confess to you that when our ancestors and we complained against you, we gave Satan a legal right to put the destroyer in our bloodlines. And when we rebelled against you and rejected your rightful places, our God. We gave Satan a legal right to deceive us with all the gods of the Gentiles. Some of us sinned with idolatry by joining Freemasonry or other related organizations.
Even if we or they joined Freemasonry in ignorance of its true nature, we are nevertheless guilty of all it is sin. We acknowledge your justice in putting a curse on all of our bloodlines for their sin and the many sins that are followed either by commission or by allegiance to the organization, committing the sins. These sins include in addition to those already confessed, all of the atrocities of satanic ritual abuse, practice and secret levels of Freemasonry, blasphemous rituals, blood sacrifices, animal and human sacrifices, sexual sacrifices, rape, facility, sexual immorality, illegitimate births, breeding babies for sacrifice, torture, murder, violence, and mind control by electro-evolved overload withholding normal love, soul- shattering torture, programming, and demonization of infants and children, plus any others. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy toward us. And when you called us to yourself and gave us faith to believe in your son Jesus’ atonement for us on the cross, we thank you, Lord. He made a curse for us so that we no longer have to live under any curse. We ask you, Father God, in the name of Jesus, to forgive all of this generational iniquity in our bloodlines and cleanse it away so the curses do not come down to us anymore or to our children to a thousand generations. We ask you, Jesus, to cleanse our body, soul, and spirit and to deliver us all from the effects of this generational iniquity. Now, Father God, we ask humbly that the blood of Jesus Christ, your son to cleanse us from all these sins we have confessed and renounced, to cleanse our spirit, soul and every part of our body which has been affected by these sins in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, we ask you to destroy the spiritual equivalence of the physical objects used to masonry that we now symbolically remove and get to you now. Lord, we renounce the hoodwink which is a blindfold, a veil of mourning, the mail around the neck, the masonic sandals, the noose which we cut from around the neck and gathered together with a cable toe running down the body. Father, we renounce the ring of the false free masonry marriage covenant and from the ring finger or the right hand or the middle finger of the right hand.
Father, we renounce the chains and bondage of freemasonry on the body, the ball and chains from the ankles, all freemasonry affects regalia armor, especially the apron, all KKK or other secret organization regalia. We renounce every evil spirit associated with masonry and witchcraft and all other sins in the name of Jesus Christ. We command Satan’s evil spirits to be bound up into one, leaving nothing of evil remaining and to leave us now, touching or banning, no one to go to the place appointed to you by the true Lord Jesus Christ never to return to us or our family. We claim the promise of God’s Word that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered. Jesus, we ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, every infirmity, every curse, every affliction, addiction, disease, or allergy associated with these sins that we have confessed and renounced. We ask you to heal us and our family from all the effects that they have had on us. We render to God’s Holy Spirit and no other spirit. All the places in our lives where these sins have affected us. Lord, we ask you to fill us with and baptize us in your Holy Spirit now, according to the promise in your Word, we take to ourselves the whole armor of God, promise in Ephesians 6. And Lord, we rejoice in your protection as Jesus surrounds us with this Holy Spirit. We enthrone you, Lord, in our hearts, Lord Jesus, for you are the Lord and Savior and the source of our eternal life. Thank you, Lord for your mercy. Thank you, Father, for your mercy, for your forgiveness, and your love in the name of Jesus Christ.
Lord, we bind up every retaliatory demon, power, principality, ruler, and all spiritual wickedness that has any mind or idea to come against these prayers or come against us for praying these prayers for anyone else who’s praying them in the name of Jesus. We ask for your divine protection in the name of Jesus. And Lord, we seal all these decrees and declarations with the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit of promise. And we seal them across every age, era, timeline, realm, and dimension, past, present, and future, to infinity in the name of Jesus. And Lord, we thank you. We count as done. It is done. Thank You, Lord. Amen. Amen. Thank You, Lord. Amen.