Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the person who is reading to this prayer. Father, we ask that you please forgive us of all our sins, transgressions, and iniquities knowingly and unknowingly. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness according to 1 John 1:9. Please pause this video to confess your sin to the Lord.
Father God in the name of Jesus, I address and judge the altars that the spirit of fear operates behind. I bind the strongman that is operating behind the spirit of fear and anxiety with chains of fire. I speak to all of the functions behind the spirit of fear and anxiety and I command all your functions useless now in Jesus name. Every device that you have set up on the children of God – may they malfunction now in Jesus name. I command the angels of the Lord to crush all your functions and devices with the mallet of God in Jesus’ name.
I speak to all gatekeepers that would keep this person from receiving deliverance on this day to catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
In the name of Jesus, every spirit of bondage must leave now! Every spirit in association with bondage I sever your ties now in Jesus’ name.
Every spirit of worry, apprehension, dread, anxiety, nervousness, panic, restlessness, uneasiness, tension and fretfulness, rejection, and all associated spirits – I bind you all as one, I address you all as one – come up and out of the people of God now in Jesus name.
Father God, we repent and renounce and disassociate ourselves from every phobia that we’ve come into agreement with knowingly or unknowingly in the name of Jesus. All ailments, afflictions sickness, diseases and all associations with the spirit of fear and anxiety we come out of agreement with it now in Jesus’ name. Everywhere fear and anxiety has been lodged in the lower back, stomach, intestines, heart, chest, head, neck, shoulders and all other areas of the body I command you to come up and out of these areas in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ.
I speak to all fatigue, numbness, panic attacks, and fear that entered through childhood trauma, anywhere the enemy has suppressed your voice – let them go now in Jesus’ name. I sever every tie connected to the throat. I break all your weapons. I hinder your weapons useless in Jesus’ name.
I command the angels of the Lord to capture all emotional baggage in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and put it where Jesus wants it to go. I crush all altars of fear and anxiety to dust in Jesus’ name. I command the angels of the Lord to crush every snare with their names attached to it in the name of Jesus Christ. May all anxiety that weighing on your heart be lifted by the living God in the name of Jesus. May the perfect love of Jesus drive out all fear in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, I issue a certificate of divorce from the spirit of fear and all its associates. In the name and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I issue a divine permanent restraining order against the spirit of fear in the name Jesus Christ. Thank you for the healing Lord. I seal and soak this prayer with the blood of Jesus and it is so. Amen and amen.
I prayed this tonight because I was experiencing fear and anxiety because me and my husband has lost our jobs. We are believing God will supply our needs for well paying jobs and money for our bills. I renounce the spirit of fear and anxiety of being homeless in Jesus Name.
Trisha lets talk about this