Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus we come to the throne of grace today with heartfelt repentance concerning the spirit double-mindedness. Father, your word says that a double-minded man is unstable in not just some of his ways but ALL of his ways. So Father right now we repent for all forms of all of our sins, transgressions and iniquities knowingly and unknowingly. We repent on behalf of the bloodline going all the way back to Adam and Eve. We repent for all seeds of doubt and uncertainty. We repent for not trusting you and your capabilities. We repent for putting you in a box. We repent for running to man instead of running to you. On this day Father we will no longer allow the enemy to take advantage of us, our minds, or our well-being. We will no longer be ignorant of the devices, plans, plots and schemes used by the enemy according to 2 Corinthians 2:11.
In the name and in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ —I send a warrant of arrest and I bind the strongman operating behind the spirit of double-mindedness with chains of fire. I speak to spirit of suspicion, mental attacks, pessimism, distrust, deception, paranoia, confusion, inability to hear God’s voice, forgetfulness, demonic thoughts, mind control, fear, worry, doubt, witchcraft, lust, jealousy, envy, hate, fornication, pornography, dishonesty, greed, migraines, pride, infirmity, death, destruction, backwardness, delay, bitterness, unforgivness and disease — I bind you all as one, I address you all as one and command you to loose your hold off of the people of God right now in Jesus name. I command the angels of the Lord to begin to sever all the roots and ties to these spirits and all associated spirits in Jesus name.
I speak to the spirit of mind control — all mind binding spirits, I send the fire of the Holy Ghost to sever all your ties in Jesus name. Every octopus spirit operating against the mind, I cut all your tentacles with the golden scepter of the blood of Jesus. I impale the javelin of the Lord against your brain in Jesus name. I command all your suckers malfunction now in Jesus name. All ink that you have spread in the mind and body of this individual I ask the blood of Jesus to remove it. all in place in the hidden areas of the mind, blood of Jesus clean it up. All ink injected in all operating areas of the eyes, heart, tongue — blood of Jesus clean it up. Angels, in the name of jets, pluck the eyes out of every squid, octopus and cuttlefish spirit in operation behind these mind binding spirits in Jesus name. I dry up their fountains and replace it with the living waters of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus name. I dismantle all communications in the water in the name of Jesus. I dismantle the siphons by fire in the name of Jesus. I command the hound of heaven to locate all the hiding places no win Jesus name. Everywhere these mind-binding spirits like to hide be exposed now in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare what is in the dark will come to the light in the name of Jesus. All disguises be exposed in the name of Jesus. I disable all your chameleon spirits by fire in Jesus name.
There will be no morphing, no shapeshifting in the name of Jesus. I kill all your babies and burn all your eggs in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I command the angels of the Lord to cut all your fins off and break your scales in Jesus name. Angels of God, snatch their beaks off the brain and demolish them. In the name of Jesus any tenticale that has been attached to the brain of the people of God I send the battle axe of God to sever the tentacles at the root. by divine edict of the Lord Jesus Christ — you must release their brains now in Jesus name. in the name and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I dismantle all suckers on the brain. I send the fire of God on all the suckers placed on the brain Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I punch out all smoke screens. Angels, dispatch a curtain of bombs in the camp of the enemy in Jesus name. Father, let the seaquake be release to destroy all pseudomorphs in the name of Jesus. Any octopus, squid or cuttlefish that entered through abuse, manipulation, lies, deceit, social media, confusion, word cures, bad decisions I crush all your works and effects now in Jesus name. Everything causing blockages to marriages, finances, relationships, causing isolation, selfishness, control, silencing you, ultimatums, threats, violence, verbal, mental, and emotional abuse, anything separating you from God and leading you to the pit — your time is up.
I send the dry wind of the Lord to destroy everything you Brought in. Father, I command the dry wind of God to come against all the areas where the enemy has been operating in this persons life! Let the mighty power of the dry wind drive away all these things in Jesus name. Dry win, quench all satanic powers operating against the people of God in Jesus name. May the dry wind of God come against all marine kingdom operating in this persons life in Jesus name. I dismantle every alarm in the spirit in Jesus name. I unwrap all nets and cords from their necks in the name of Jesus. Every yoke placed on their necks catch fire and sever now in Jesus name. All blockages to hearing — I decree and declare that they will hear with clarity from this day forward in Jesus name. Father, you word says let those who have ears, let them hear according to Matthew 11:15. I release a divine edict from the throneroom of God that the ears and the hearing of the people of God will be released from the kingdom of darkness right now in Jesus name. I speak to every eel in operation, you have been located and your hiding spots revealed in the name of Jesus. All water snakes I command your waters to be dried up in Jesus name. I take of the golden scepter of the blood of Jesus to dismantle all your hearts in Jesus name. I put cages of fire around you in Jesus name. I frustrate all the laying of eggs and I kill all your friend groups in Jesus name. Father, we repent for having a negative outlook on life and a lack of faith. I command the angels of God to retrieve everywhere the enemy has taken their brains to the hiding spots in the sea. I come against all migraines and reverse their symptoms now in Jesus name. May the blood of Jesus act as a healing agent in Jesus name. I remove all brain fog in the name of Jesus and restore all communication with God. Angels, in the name of Jesus retrieve all stolen thoughts and ideas and I revise all things affecting these areas.
All that the locusts stole will be restored according to Joel 2:25-26 in the name of Jesus. Father, we repent for coming into agreement will anxiety disorders, social phobias, panic disorders, old, ptsd, adhd, add, bi polar disorder, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, paranoia, psychosis, self harm, self sabotage, and all of the like. Father, I remove every plot of insanity and mental illness with the fire of Holy Ghost. Every bomb on the head be detonated in Jesus name. Angels clear the particles and set them on fire in the name of Jesus. everywhere false doctrine and religious spirits have set up camp in our minds — may the truth be presented and their brains made free in Jesus name. Who the son sets free is free indeed. I dismantle all Bioluminescence in the name of Jesus. Any scars placed on their heads — erase it with the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ — angels strip away the outer coat of Leviathan. I dispatch harpoons of fire to overwhelm his head while the angels of God remove the harpoons and arrows from our heads in the name of Jesus. I command the angels of God to place a double bridle of fire on Leviathan and drag him out of the water in the name of Jesus. Suffocation be Leviathans portion in the name of Jesus. I choke you out and dry up your fountains in the name of Jesus. In the name and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ I command the angels of God to pull out their swords and beat off all rows of scales on leviathan to dust.
I command the angels of God to break the heads of all sea serpents in the waters according to Psalm 74:13. I break off the spirit of pride lingering in the mind, soul, and emotions in the name of Jesus. Father, anywhere rebellion has led us to be double minded we repent and renounce those things now in the name of Jesus. All you wicked and unclean spirits of the mind to the dry barren place you go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Father, if this prayer is pleasing and acceptable in your sight, please see this divine edict of restoration over your people: in the name of Jesus, I decree a sound mind over your people. I decree and declare their minds are set on things above. I decree and declare that they are the head and not the tail. Because they trust in you, I decree and declare that their minds will stay on you and in perfect peace. Father, I decree and declare that a sober mind and freedom is their portion. Lord we give you all the praise, honor and the glory in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the healing. May you continue to transform our lives with the surety of your word. In the name of Jesus Christ — amen.
Thank You so much Chelsea!!! I really need this prayer!
Thank you so much for these prayers I am a third watch intercessor.
So grate a prayer. Thank you so much woman of God, Chelsea.
Thank you Chelsea, God’s warring Angel!