Father, we repent for all of our sins, transgressions, and iniquities, as well as those of our forefathers. Lord, we break every satanic baptism and dedication that was made for us or by us. We renounce all curses with consequences that have fallen upon the third and fourth generations and beyond. Father God, we break all curses, pacts, and agreements that are in existence, granting the spirit of the vagabond, lack, poverty, stagnation, anti-progress, and retrogression authority over our lives. We command the vagabond spirit to uproot all it has planted in our lives, Lord, especially due to our giving to the marine kingdom where lack and poverty have entrenched us. Father God, we come against every tool of the enemy that is in operation against our bloodline.
Father God, we declare in the mighty name of Jesus that our posterity will no longer be afflicted by lack, poverty, stagnation, anti-progress, retrogression, backwardness, and the spirits of puniness, delay, and labor. We bind them all together as one and address them as one in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, we break, nullify, and destroy every curse that has arisen from bad associations or soul ties, according to Your sovereign authority, O God Most High. We reject the enemy and all their schemes for our lives; we declare that we accept only Yahweh’s will for our lives.
Father God, we decree that we will no longer trade away Your will for anything that is not worthy. We desire Your perpetual blessings in our lives so that we can be a blessing to others. Father God, we ask that exponential growth shall accompany every seed we have planted.
I pray that the seeds we plant tonight and forevermore will usurp the authority of every altar and every seed standing against our finances, resources, future, and destiny, O God. Lord, we will no longer walk in rebellion to Your leadership and commands.
Father, we destroy the influence of these spirits over our lives—their power and authority. We cancel their assignments and command them out of our lives, our bodies, and our future. We command them to be bound and cast into the pit until the coming of Christ.
Father God, Your Word in Proverbs 13:22 reads, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Romans 13:8 and 10 says, “Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” Proverbs 10:22 says, “The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.”
Father God, we will no longer be sorrowful. Lord, anything that the kingdom of darkness has given to us will no longer have a hold on us, as we have returned all that the enemy may find common with us. Therefore, we declare that we are blessed, and all our bills are perpetually paid.
Father God, we declare that all those we love, and even those who may not know what we pray about tonight, will be free from the sicknesses of the Egyptians. We come against lack, poverty, stagnation, sickness, disease, conditions, maladies, and torments. We break the power of generational sicknesses in our bloodline.
Father God, we declare tonight that these afflictions are eradicated and will no longer have any influence over us. Every family altar, family idol, and family totem speaking against us will be silenced.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we declare that you will no longer speak for us or against us. Let the blood of the Lamb, which speaks more perfectly and powerfully than the blood of bulls and rams according to Hebrews 4, speak for us. Father God, we affirm that none of these afflictions or troubles will worry us any longer.
Lord, we confess that where we once gave into the Marine Kingdom and supported the kingdom of darkness, we now break every covenant, curse, pact, oath, and agreement that has been speaking against our resources and future. These forces no longer have power over us.
Father God, we thank You for Your Spirit that brings revelation, counsel, and confirmation. Now, we stand against every influence of the Marine Kingdom. In the name of Jesus, we declare it done.
We repent of defiling the marital bed and declare that you will no longer find pleasure through our bodies. We command that all spirit babies cease to exist and that every seed and egg be obliterated, eviscerated, and destroyed by the Sovereign authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, we thank You for sending Your angels, who are now searching for our treasures, including all our generational blessings. We stand as representatives of our family, and as You have made us stewards of these blessings, we receive our inheritance and everything the Lord has for us. We will no longer give into the kingdom of darkness nor sow into corruption.
Father God, we thank You that You are now releasing to us what has been hindered or blocked.
Lord, I thank You for removing all obstacles and demonic embargoes against us, against our family, and against our children. We thank You for clearing these barriers in our jobs, businesses, educational aspirations, and ministries. Despite any delays caused by demonic forces discouraging people from giving, we stand firm in the belief that Your work will go forward.
Father God, even if people do not give, Your work will progress. I declare that Your purposes will advance, Lord. I declare blessings upon those who contribute to Deliverance Chronicles, MDMM, April, and all others who labor for Your Kingdom. May the blessings of the Lord enrich them and bring no sorrow.
Father God, let their giving counteract demonic covenants, altars, lack, poverty, stagnation, and every spirit that seeks to restrict us from living the abundant life You have called us to.