February 23, 2025

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Day 17/ Reading through the Bible in 90 days

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Day 17- Joshua 15- Judges 3 1:27

It amazes how the Israelites were so quickly to run after strange gods after Joshua died when they gave a promise not to 🤦🏾‍♀️. They were explicitly warned what would happened if they would . This is the sin nature of mankind to rebel, even when they're given "lots" and inheritances with promises from God, and all they had to do is just love God and be obedient.

I also see the language of a deliverance as they will drive out and expel the inhabitants. I also noticed even though the Lord was with Judah and he drove out the inhabitants in the mountains, some inhabitants they  could not drive out in the vlley because they had chariots of iron.(Judges 1:19)

This stood out to me as a  foreshadowing of a type of strong man that was deep in, since the iron  would be a symbolic expression of strength. It would require a stronger man. 



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Good day! Please forgive my tardy responses. The previous web browser that I was using did not display this site properly giving me a difficult time with navigation and seeing information properly. Praise God for helping me and directing me to a different web browser.
Genesis Chapter One:
The first verse expressly states that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
But the second verse says that the earth was void and without form and darkness was on the earth how can something that was created be void, formless and had darkness? This is not feasible so something happened. This informs me that the kingdom of darkness was on the earth and had done nothing to improve the earth. It also means the kingdom of darkness was a witness to what God did in those six days on. What amazed me was the next statement in that very verse. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Before God did anything His Spirit moved. This is important and should be observed. Before we do anything we should wait for the Spirit of God to move and then wait for God to speak before we act.
Then God spoke and continues to speak but when it was time to create living creatures God created them and blessed them. Then God created the animals by forming them and every creeping thing in the same day that he created man. Then God said "Let us create man in our image to have domion..." God had a purpose, a task for man and woman to fulfill before man was even created. Then He created man and woman, blessed them and told them what their purpose was which is to have domion and to be fruitful. God also told them what they can eat.
All this happened in the first chapter alone.
Chapter Two:
God forms man....then breathes into his nostrils the breathe of life....man becomes a living soul.
So what was man in chapter one?
Notice that God did not form man in the Garden but formed man then created the garden east of Eden and put man there. It was then God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil woman was not there when God commanded the man not to eat from that tree.
Man was given a sub assignment in his role of having domion, he had to name the animals and the birds. Whatever Adam called these animals is what they are known to this day. While performing this task it states that no suitable help meet was not found for Adam.
What intrigued me is God had already created woman in chapter one. God had already made provision for Adam. When Adam saw the animals being paraded before him with their mates not once is it recorded that Adam asked God "Where's mine?" He never spoke in that regard.
But God being who He is put Adam to sleep, basically knocked Adam out and pulled his woman out of his side. Then God presented the woman to Adam. Adam named her as well and then Adam prophecied by saying she is "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman... for this reason shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife." The animals existed before the fall. God had already declared them good. God had blessed them and told them to bring forth.
Chapter Three:
The serpent decides now is a good opportunity to put forth his plan by asking Eve, "Did God say (you shall not eat...)" Here the serpent twists three words to bring about confusion and doubt for God did say (you may eat....).
I noticed that when Eve did eat her eyes did not open but once Adam ate, right away both their eyes were opened. This leads me to believe that if Adam did not eat Eve would still not have her eyes opened. Highlighting how important it is for the man to stand firm lovingly in the ways of God and not budge no matter what your woman is going on with... Adam never spoke a word like he did when naming the animals while looking a mate himself. Adam didn't put himself between the serpent and Eve providing protection for her. Adam did not properly instruct Eve about the Word he received from God which becomes evident in her interaction with the serpent causing her to become confused and then deceived. Adam did knowingly sin.
Now, am I to believe that the animals did not bring forth before the fall after God blessed them and told them to bring forth? Let's say the animals did not bring forth were not the animals also affected by sin causing their nature to change from their original intent? So my point is sin affected every living creature that existed prefall even though their state was perfect prior to the fall. No one escaped. Not the ground, not the birds of the air, not the cattle and wild beasts, not even the creatures in the sea. Not the man nor his descendants.
Chapter Four:
Adam knows his wife after they have been expelled from the garden. The history of the effects of sin begins. Adam is the father of two sons with different temperaments. The scriptures does not record any physical differences between Cain and Able. We see first hand how sin reared its ugly head between the brothers ending with the first murder and another judgment pronounced by God.

Chapter Five:
It is interesting that neither Cain nor Able was mentioned in the book of generations....

Chapter Six:
We are told that non human entities took the daughters of men and brought forth offsprings. These beings were different than humans for they were called giants. Cain was never described as being different in form. He was not called a giant.
It pained my hwart to read how God was grieved that he made man. This is God being grieved. Do we really fathom what this means?

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What has me going "how come" is how come Joshua didn't train up another leader to lead the children of Israel? When Moses knew his time of departure was drawing near he asked God to raise up someone to lead the people. God directed Moses to Joshua but when Joshua's departure drew near at no point did he ask God to raise up a leader. That always had me baffled.
Judges 19
This is one of those tough chapters. The facts are presented without any biases for us to make our conclusions. For me, this is a warning of what to look out for and what could happen if a woman ends up with a man of God that is not wholly walking with God. I know this is an extreme case but boy what an eye opener. Every woman should study this chapter to understand the subtleties of abuse.

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