Let’s look at scriptures pertaining to the impediments to marriage but before we do this we must define marriage
The marriage covenant was intended to reflect the love and relationship between Christ and His church. The Bible records it in Ephesians 5
Ephesians 5:31-32-
“For this, cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
A covenant binding agreement, a legal contract. It is a seal between two or more parties.
We must also consider who created the institution of marriage
Genesis 2:23-24
The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called „woman,‟ for she was taken out of man.†For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
I come into the Courtroom of Heaven to my Heavenly Father, the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth. You are the Judge that is seated on the throne. You wrap yourself in light as with a garment. You stretch out the heavens like a tent (Psalm 104:2).
I stand in Your presence under the covering of the blood of Jesus that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, and under the covering and the covenant of your love for me (Psalm 86:5, Ephesians 2: 4-5). The blood of Jesus Christ makes all things new in my life.
Father, I come into your presence to petition on the grounds of what you have written in my book before the foundation of this world (Jeremiah 1:5, Job 10:10-12), especially in the area of the union between the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh.
Heavenly Father, the adversary may have a case against me in the mobile Court of Heaven, which may be blocking me from stepping into your divine promise of marital union. I have come into the Court of Heaven today to seek your mercy and grace in the area of marriage.
I would like to call my accusers into this Courtroom, and I want the accuser to say what the accusation is against me regarding the area of stepping into the blessings of a marital union.
(Be still and listen here in your spirit to hear the accusation against you. You may be hearing different accusations that could be in the form of words, or you may see a picture of something that you are familiar with or an event that happened in your life in the past. Remember, these accusations are giving the enemy legal grounds against you in the area of marriage, this may be something passed down through your generational bloodline. Even if you don’t hear, see or sense anything, agree with the accuser, Matthew 5:25).
Agree with the accuser:
Heavenly Father, I see that the adversary has a case against me, which is giving him legal grounds in my life in the area of marriage. I now agree with my accuser quickly regarding all the accusations against me according to your word in Matthew 5:25.
My Righteous Judge I call on my Advocate, the Lord Jesus, and I apply His blood that was shed for me to cleanse, purify and wash me and my generational bloodline of all the accusations against us before this Court.
I ask Father for your forgiveness of all my sins, transgressions, and iniquities that have given my adversary legal grounds against me and my generational bloodline. In humility, I repent today, and I ask for your forgiveness in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, my Savior.
I also pray for your mercy and forgiveness for my ancestors and anyone in my ancestry linked to me that has committed these sins, transgressions, and iniquities and given the enemy legal grounds to hold me in bondage and hinder me in the area of marriage (and conception).
I thank you, Father, for your forgiveness and for cleansing me from the sins, transgressions, and iniquities, in the name of Jesus Christ, and for giving me the verdict “Not guilty!†(Be still here, to see, hear, or sense what is going on in the Courtroom, do not allow condemnation. God’s verdict for us will always be “Not guiltyâ€).
Ask for divorce papers:
Heavenly Father, I want to ask this Court for divorce papers between me and the spirit (or spirits) blocking me from entering into your blessings of marriage and conception. I do not want this spirit, its cohorts, familiar and familial spirits near me, or my lineage any longer.
I now take these divorce papers, place them in my spirit, and cover them with the blood of Jesus as a testimony against these spirits. By faith, see yourself receive the divorce papers from ministering angels of the Lord.
Ask for a verdict:
My Righteous Judge, I now ask that a verdict be rendered against these spirits, according to your Word in Psalm 149:6-9. I ask that you execute vengeance upon their heathen, the demonic kings and queens sitting on my marital mountain, Jezebel spirit, spirit husband or wife, marine spirit, the spirit of divorce and separation, and all familiar and familiar spirits standing against my God-ordained husband/wife, and my marital union.
Heavenly Father, I ask that their kings be bound with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron for this is the judgment written against them. I have this honor as your child through the blood of Jesus that was shed for me at the Brazen Altar and the finished work of the cross.
I ask that these spirits be cast into the abyss (or where the Lord Jesus sends them). I forbid them from returning back to me or any of my loved ones. I forbid them to multiply or divide, and I forbid any backlash against me and my loved ones (my lineage, pet, my job, finances, etc.) in Jesus’s name.
Sever the bond & ties:
Father, by the authority you have given me in the name of Jesus; I break all soul ties, vows, pacts, blood covenants, or legal documents between me and this spirit, its cohorts, and every familial and familiar spirit working with them. Heavenly Father according to your word in Deuteronomy 7:5,
I break down the altars of these demonic spirits, I smash their sacred stones, I cut down their Asherah poles, and I ask Father that your fire burn their images and anything representing me or my lineage on their altars. Your Word says whoever the Son of God sets free is free, indeed, and I have been set free through the blood of Jesus.
I thank you, Father, for hearing my petition and granting my requests. I also thank you for the authority I have in the name of Jesus to come boldly before your throne. I thank you, Lord Jesus, my Advocate, for your presence with me at all times and for pleading my case before the Father.
I thank you, Holy Spirit, for being my guide and the revealer of all things; thank you for showing me the heart of the Father towards me. You are a faithful Father; just as you answered the prayer of Abraham’s servant for a wife for Isaac (Genesis 28:12-14), I thank you that you will also select my husband/ wife for me. I believe in you Heavenly Father, and I know I will not be put to shame.
(Read a psalm of praise in your own words and give thanks to God for a new beginning in your life).
I now declare that my husband/wife has found me and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). I declare, according to the Word of God, that my husband will leave his father and his mother; he will be joined to me, and we shall become one flesh. And what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Just as Abraham’s servant found a wife for Isaac, God the Father will lead me to my husband/wife in Jesus’s name.
I will not choose a counterfeit, but I will wait patiently for God the Father’s choice for me in marriage. The Word of God says that though the mountains are shaken and the hills are removed, God’s unfailing love for me will not be shaken, nor His covenant of peace be removed, I declare that this promise of God’s love and compassion for me will be manifested in the area of marriage and in all areas of my life (Isaiah 54:10). I now seal my prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Nice and powerful. God is a great God and word is healing to my bones and refreshing in my belly. Thank God for Jesus and for the Holy ghost .