Lord, we pray against all SPIRITUAL GATES,
Where there a continuous problems and Strongholds, Where there is a stronghold there is an altar; where there is an altar, there is a gate; where there is a gate there is a guardian to this Gate, who sits under the authority of the “Strong Manâ€; (2 Kings 23:8, Ezekiel 8:5)
Father, I repent for not taking possessions of the gates you have given me the authority to possess. Lord, I need your assistance in dismantling the control of all Gates, by the possessors of the gates in my life, my nation, my city, and all gates of wickedness in my jurisdiction.
I pray for all gates of access to my life, family, home, community, nation, continent, village, city, or state. Any gates where transactions take place that affect my life. I pray against all watch towers and the keepers of the watch, all gates that are in the possession of the enemy Lord, I declare that I possess the gates over my life, my nation, my city, all gates of wickedness in my jurisdiction.
According to Gen 22:17, and Gen 24:60 “and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them. We take control and influence of the territories of the enemies.
We take possession of the 12 Gates of the city, village, or territory in which I reside, we neutralize all satanic operations and block all communication lines, movements, and activities within this area according to Matthew 12:29.
Lord, we pray that we will possess the Gates of our enemies and not the enemies possessing our gates.
Lord, we possess the 12 gates of the heavens, and the north, the south, the east, and the west.
We also take control over the gates of the year
- Winter Solstice December, January, and February.
- Spring Equinox March, April, and May.
- Summer Solstice June, July, and August.
- Autumn Equinox September, October, and November.
We come against the Gates of Darkness where the forces of the enemy are seeking to wage war against us according to Judges 5:8.
Lord, we come against the Gates of the human body which the enemy has been using to gain access to our body and generations. We come against the access and every demon that came through the Umbilical cord gate, Genitalia Gate, anywhere our destinies have been stolen. We come against demons that have entered the gate of the forehead, frontal lobe, and the third eye. Any spirit that blocks the unction or communication between our body, souls, and spirit.
We possess the stomach gate and evict every demon that controls and resides in this area, our bowels, our innermost being, and our heart. Anywhere demons were imparted into our stomachs by touch we remove. Every Curse that has been transmitted through the umbilical cords we cancel.
According to Psalms 101:3, I will set no wicked thing before my eyes.” Lord, I repent for when I have allowed my eyes to view things that gave the enemy access.
Anywhere my senses have been affected, Nose, Mouth, Sense of touch, I repent. We come against all demonic points of contact, geographic location, and items I have received including clothes, money, shoes, souvenirs, and all evil gates associated with accursed objects we destroy and nullify.
Gates are associated with bodies of water, lakes, rivers, ponds, seas; or any place where water is collected, (Nehemiah 2:14). All River mouths, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, a sea and oceans, and every gate occult. Gates of Volcanoes, Gates of Death.
Lord we access the Gates of Legal Rights, we also access the Gate of our Name so we may have access to all you have assigned to me and my lineage. We take and gain access to all that have been assigned to our names. We access all gates of our parentage where blessings have been denied to us. Father we are asking you through our declarative utterances to destroy the gates of wickedness and all that are being affected negatively
Father, we come against the gates of the Sun, the pyramids, against Solar Magic emitted by the Sun through the gates of the pyramids. Every hill and mountain gate, every high place, mountain tops in the mighty name of the Sovereign king of the Universe Jesus Christ.
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I have been given by the Lord a task of removing alters from my family and area where I work from. Then to open the gates; but am sure you can’t open until you close some. By what I have here , you seem to know more of what I need. Do you have free books or study materials or teachings about Gates? Please help me, I need it.
Thank you so so much, God bless you 🙏🙏👌.
Really good encouragement.
God blessed you thank you for the pray to take the gate 6:00pm – 9:00pm