Father God, in the name of Jesus, I come to your throne of Grace, according to 1 John 1:9, if I confess my sins to you, you are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I confess, repent, and renounce all of my sins, transgressions, and iniquities, and those of my forefathers, going back to Adam and Eve. I reject anywhere blood is crying out against me. Any factual accusations I agree with, and I repent. I renounce any ungodly marriages relationships, associations, all ungodly covenants, and demonic soul ties.
Father God, I repent and renounce of participation and practices known and unknown in witchcraft, voodoo, all forms of magic, Santeria, divination, sorcery, fortune telling, horoscopes, numerology, word curses, and any practices along these lines. I cancel their assignment and I break their powers in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I break all generational and ancestral curses going back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Anything attached to the bloodline breaks now. Anything that I have married into, adopted, or any ungodly baptisms, I break them now in the name of Jesus.
Father, I declare that the blood of Jesus speaks louder than all blood that cries against me. I break, dismantle, and pound into dust, every altar speaking against me and my bloodline, in our bodies, in the seas, every main and charging altar, and breaking the cycle of repeating altars in Jesus’ name. I cancel the spirit of death in and over my life in Jesus’ name. I renounce, reject, and command every spirit of death up and out of every area of my life and my bloodline. I command you to go where God wants you to go now, in Jesus’ mighty name. I decree and declare, freedom that life, abundance, good health, wealth and prosperity are my portion.
Lord, I come to you to honor and praise you in worship and adoration. I come against the Yoruba spirit Oshun, as I reject her satanic agenda, wisdom, and understanding. I excavate all of the money and resources that she has stolen and buried. I take dominion over all of the roads that were established for Godly marriages and caused kingdom spouses to run away. I put an embargo by divine edict and the righteous altar resources and marital affairs that Oshun possesses.
The power of the eaters that Oshun controls will not overtake me. I subdue the one who causes me to be exhausted. I subject the river gods to the sovereign authority of God Most High. I break the power and authority of the river beast. I destroy the fresh palm leaves and the brass. The perceived power of Oshun has no authority over those who are aware of their position in Christ Jesus.
I expose and destroy the secret of this cult. I dethrone Queen Oshun over my life, who knows the secrets of cults but does not disclose them! I destroy her connection in my life and to all of the other Orishas, I destroy the altars of their power and authority. Anywhere I have worshiped these Orishas, I repent.
The gracious mother, the queen of the river, I destroy her association with my bone and blood. I reject all generational dedication and baptism to this and all Yoruba Orishas. You will no longer exist or be venerated in my life. I reject all Yoruba traditions. I reject the river drummer. I denounce your very existence as wickedness as God classifies this wickedness.
Lord, anywhere my God-given beauty and glory have been nullified and placed on the altars of Oshun because I accepted the look of sirens and mermaids, I reject the works of the marine kingdom, its works, its fashion, its jewelry, its clothing, and music. I reject its agenda of the kingdom of darkness and its rank and file.
I reject the powers of the waters and its agendas. I reject the powers of water in all forms in the heavens on the earth and under the earth and the waters in my body in the natural and in the spirit. Father God, through your son Jesus Christ, I receive my freedom from Oshun and all of the Yoruba deities in Jesus’ name. For every spiritual marriage to Oshun or her husband, I serve a certificate of divorcement to these Yoruba deities.
I dry up your rivers, fountains, and wells. Anywhere I drunken from these waters, I command my spirit man to regurgitate them. I reject the essence of the female source. I reject the awakened pleasures, as scripture declares my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. I reject being crowned by Oshun and awakened to all lustful pleasures. I reject Oludamare’s presence, as she represents him in the name of Jesus.
I reject Oshun’s presence and essence in my mirrors. You will not visit me in me dreams or cause my spirit to wander freely. I expose the ministry of Oshun. I refuse to be found with items that were given to me from Oshun as gifts and even spiritual abilities. I reject them all in the name of Jesus. I reject the abundance of blessings and resources from this deity. I will not be found in possession of anything that belongs to the kingdom of darkness. I reject the spirit of seduction that rides with Oshun with the blood of Jesus. I reject sensuality that comes from it as well in the name of Jesus. Lord God, I seal this prayer by the blood and the Cross of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, AMEN
Touch and agree in Jesus name 🙌🏽
Amen and Amen!