1. I challenge my body with the fire of the Holy Ghost, and command every marine spirit, residing in my body to manifest and die, in Jesus’ name.
2. You spirit of Leviathan in my life, I challenge you with the blood of Jesus and the fire of Holy Ghost, come out now and die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every evil covenant, binding me with water spirits, break by the blood of Jesus.
4. Every evil association between me and marine spirits, break by the blood of Jesus.
5. Every evil dedication, made by my parents on any satanic altar, the blood of Jesus, destroy it now, in the name of Jesus.
6. I reject and renounce every satanic office given to me, in the marine kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
7. I reject and renounce every satanic crown given to me, in the marine kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
8. I reject and renounce every satanic property in my possession, in the name of Jesus.
9. I reject and renounce every satanic gift ever given to me, from the marine kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every satanic guard assigned to my life from the marine kingdom, I reject you. Receive the fire of God and depart from me, in Jesus’ name.
11. Every satanic instrument from the marine kingdom, planted inside my body, I reject you, receive the fire of God now and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
12. Every serpent, hidden in my body, I challenge your habitation with the fire of God, come out and die, in the name of. Jesus.
13. Every unconscious association with the marine spirit, is destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
14. Every throne, set up for me in the marine kingdom, I reject and renounce you, I command the thunder fire of God to destroy you now, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every ordinance of the marine kingdom in my life, is blotted out by the blood of Jesus.
16. I bind and cast every marine spirit out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
17. Every foundation of marine spirit in my life, is uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
18. Anything that has survived on the evil foundation of marine spirits in my life, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
19. I bind and cast every spirit of Leviathan witchcraft out of my life in the name of Jesus.
20. Every trading ground of the queen of the coast in my life, receives destruction by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
21. I am married to Jesus, by His blood, you queen of the coast lose your hold upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
22. Every river, water or sea, monitoring my life, I strike you with chaos and confusion by the blood of Jesus.
23. Blood of Jesus, purge me of every satanic food, that I have ever eaten in the marine kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
24. I challenge every marine hair on my head with the fire of God and I command it to catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.
25. Every family serpent assigned to the foundation of my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Any evil deposit from the marine kingdom in any part of my body, be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
27. I declare that I am forever married to Jesus who is my Saviour and Deliver and my Deliverer.
28. Henceforth, let no power from the marine kingdom trouble me, for I bear in my body the mark of the blood of Jesus.
29. Lord Jesus, baptize my life with Holy Ghost fire.
30. Thank you Jesus for winning this spiritual battle for me in Jesus’s name.