ABOUT SPIRITUAL GATES Where there is a continuous problem, there is a stronghold; where there is a stronghold there is an altar; where there is an altar, there is a gate, (2 Kings 23:8, Ezekiel 8:5); where there is a gate there is a guardian to this Gate, who sits under the authority of the Strong Man; an evil enthroned entity. Many people are experiencing demonic harassment, and even physical manifestations of demonic-oriented afflictions, despite their much praying and fasting. This is because of a gate that needs to be shut. |
Gates are access routes, entry points, or doors into a person’s life; a family, home, community, nation, continent, village, city, or state, etc, (Jeremiah 17:19, Judges 9:44, Esther 5:1). A gate is where the entry and exit of things are controlled; its where transactions and identification take place. Both angels of God and Demons are using gates to travel between realms.
To every realm, there is a gate. Possessing the gate was to possess the city. (Gen_22:17; Gen_24:60) The one who possesses the gate of a realm will be the one in control of that realm. Note, Nebuchadnezzar was called the king of kings but was not able to stand before Daniel, though he was a ruler and Daniel was a prophet. Why? Because Daniel had possession of the Gate of Babylon in the realm of the spirit. Daniel 2:49, “Then Daniel requested of the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, over the affairs of the province of Babylon: “but Daniel sat in the gate of the king”
All gates were protected by a Watch Tower and a watcher; also called “Keeper of the Watch” (2Sa 18:24, 2Sa 18:33; 2Ch 14:7; 2Ch 26:9),
In particular, the a was the place of the legal tribunals (Deut 16:18; Deut 21:19; Deut 25:7, etc.), so that a seat among the elders in the gates (Pro 31:23) was a high honor, while “oppression in the gates was a synonym for judicial corruption (Job 31:21; Pro:22:22; Isa 29:21). The king, in especial, held public audiences in the gate (2Sa 19:8; 1Ki 22:10; Jer 38:7).
As Christians, we should understand the importance of setting guards at our spiritual gate; [Chronicles 23:19, Jehoiada put [stationed; positioned] guards at the gates of the Temple of the Lord so that anyone unclean [defiled ritually in any way could not enterâ€. Genesis 3:24,” and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way [entrance, gate] of the tree of life”] and also take possession of all Gates according to Gen 22:17, and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy The same thing is repeated in Gen 24:60 let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.â€Â
​Possessing the gates of our enemy means you will take control and influence of his territories.
When you enter a city, you must take possession of the 12 Gates of the city and if you enter into a village or territory, you must first take possession of the Gate of that territory. By doing this, you neutralize all satanic operations and block all communication lines, movements, and activities within this city or town.
Many people enter a city or town to do ministry without binding the strong man of that city gate, therefore, they fall under backlash and attack because they violate a strategic principle. You must first bind the strong man before you destroy his properties – Matthew 12:29.
We should possess the Gates of our enemies and not the enemies possessing our gates.
There are 12 Gates of the heavens which are the 12 portals to the Earth.
There are three gates in the North, three in the South, three in the East, and three in the West, there are four Main Gates that I call the cardinal gates.
- Gate of the “Northern Cardinal Hemisphere” where a king demon is stationed and rules; the North is called Septentrion.
- Gate of the Southern Cardinal Hemisphere” where a king demon is stationed and rules; the South is called Midi.
- Gate of the Eastern Cardinal Hemisphere” where a king demon is stationed and rules; East is called the Orient.
- Gate of the Western Cardinal Hemisphere” where a king demon is stationed and rules; the West is called the Occident.
One is the king demon over the Gate of the “Element of Water”. He contaminates water knowing that humanity uses water more than anything else on earth. Humans are made of 60-70% of water, while the earth is covered with 21% of water.
The other is the king demon over the Gate of the “Element of Earth”. He contaminates the Soil, for soil is used greatly.
Thirdly is the king demon over the Gate of the “Element of Wind”. He contaminates the air we breathe with sicknesses and spells.
Fourthly is the king demon over the Gate of the “Element of Fire”. We use fire greatly on the earth.
These are demons of the four Cardinal Points. Each Cardinal point represents an Element, hence, these Demons are also demons of the “4 Elements”.
Also, each city has 12 gates, therefore, 12 guardian demons are stationed at each gate to possess them. By spiritual principle, the gate of a city must be possessed before the city can be besieged. The guardians of the gates are under the authority of the four guardians of the city, who themselves are under the strong man.
The year is divided into four quarters, and these are the four Seasons, [Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), and Winter]. Over the four Seasons, there are Four Seraphim, each ruling over a Season.
Each quarter or Season contains three months;
- Winter Solstice – December, January, and February.
- Spring Equinox– March, April, and May.
- Summer Solstice– June, July, and August.
- Autumn Equinox – September, October, and November.
Over the (3) months of each Season, six Archangels have been positioned to rule: one pair of Archangels rule a month.
The six Archangels of each Season amount to 24 Angels in total, and these are the 24 Principalities of the 12 Months [a year is divided into 24 fragments].
Twelve (12) night Princes, each rules the night-time of his respective month, and twelve (12) day Princes, each rules the daytime of his respective month.
Note, that each Season is dominated by a Living Creature, and under these four living creatures of the four Seasons, the 24 Princes are presiding over the 12 months.
In a month there are four weeks, [each week containing seven days] and these are governed by one of the four high Angels. The seven (7) days of the Week are ruled over by the Seven Archangels who are the seven spirits of God [the Angel of God’s presence], which stand before the throne of God (Rev 4:5).
Then there is the Day having 24 hours, after the order of the 24 elders and the 24 Princes who preside, some over the Nighttime of the year and some over the Daytime.
Each Day having 24 hours is divided in this manner. 12 hours of daytime containing four quarters: 12-3, 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12, and 12 hours of nighttime containing four quarters: 12-3, 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12.
There are four Seraphim, each Seraph controls [three hours] of a day and [three hours] of the night. For example, Archangel Michael governs 12:00 to 3:00 both night and day, Archangel Raphael governs 3:00 to 6:00 both night and day, etc.
- 12-3 is North to East by Archangel Michael
- 3- 6 is East to South by Archangel Raphael
- 6- 9 is South to West by Archangel Gabriel
- 9-12 is West to North by Church Phanuel also.
These are the guardians of the gates of the seasons, months, weeks, days, and hours and are keepers of Time.
Within each of the 12 gates of the month, there are many gates. For example, in September there are many gates through which September-born people pass. Therefore, every person who proceeds from a particular month is under the influence of that holy angel who is set over this month, and he or she carries the virtue of that angel.
Therefore those born in September will function under the same influence and virtue of the angel set over September.
The twelve tribes of Israel were divided into four groups of three: each quarter containing three (3) Tribes just as the four seasons, each containing three months. There is a mystery behind the four seasons containing 12 months, and the connection between 12 Tribes of Israel.
In the wilderness three tribes were pitched facing a Cardinal Point; three to the North, three to the South. three to the East and three to the West.
The gates that angels use are the gates of the saints and may either be astral gates [Gen 28:17, “And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” or they could be spiritual gates represented by physical gates, e.g. Jeremiah 17:19 says, “Thus said the LORD unto me; Go and stand in the gate of the children of the people, whereby the kings of Judah come in, and by the which they go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem”]
Isaiah 60:11 says, Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night
Behind these physical gates were spiritual gates.
There are spiritual gates of God in various places such as; Mount Sinai, Mount Hermon, Mount Zion Jerusalem, Bethel, etc.
While God and His Angels are using gates to enter our earthly domain, in the same way, demons need a gate to enter any domain in the natural realm.
They use any tangible substance connected to their kingdom or bearing the image of their kingdom as legal ground, and upon the principles of this point of contact, a spiritual agreement is forged between the darkness and the person or people who are to be the beneficiary.
This is the only way they can have access to enter a nation, city, town, or territory in order to take possession of its trades, governmental systems, spiritual and social orders and cause chaos on earth.
Through their substances, they get access to a home and family, or a person’s life in order to cause habitual sins, problems, afflictions, and spiritual bondage.
In Revelation 9:2-11, We have an example of gates to the earth. Also, Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “…I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
When a demon enters a gate, there will be war, (Judges 5:8, They chose new gods-then war was in the gates; and accusation and blasphemy” against you, (Psalms 69: 12, They that sit in the “gate speak” against me
In humans, there are portals into the body, mind, soul, and spirit.
There are two gates through which generational blessings and curses pass: the Genitalia Gate from the Father and the Umbilical Gate of the Mother.
Before a blessing or curse can reach the baby in the womb, it must pass through a gate. If the curse of coming from the mother, it will pass through the Umbilical Gate.
If the blessing or curse is coming from the Father, it will pass through the Genitalia Gate, which is the gate of his “sperms” by his testes.
Through these gates, there can be a transfer of blessings, family curses, genetic conditions ethereal or astral energies (demonic), etc. Though we are given our destiny as individuals, we are beneficiaries of ancestral energies. In a nutshell, we can receive the Holy Spirit in the womb, as well as we can be demonized from the womb.
Some babies were initiated as witches while in the mother’s womb, as well as babies who were replaced by a demons in the mother’s womb. Sometimes, the genetic information of the child would be re-coded, changed, and replaced and the child would be born with a gender or personality disorder.
Satanic agents who work in hospitals can also initiate satanic contracts where the placentas of women or blood are given to the Marine Kingdom. The Marine Kingdom uses this means because the placenta is the womb of life and the umbilical cord is the gate of the child, they use it to steal the child’s destiny and initiate them.
The forehead is a gate between the Soul and the Body, known to be a gate to consciousness.
We should be very careful who we let touch our forehead or put things on our forehead. In churches, many times oil or other substances are placed on the member’s forehead, or hands are laid upon the forehead. This is dangerous as your forehead is the gate to your entire life.
That is why the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16, Rev 17:5) and the Seal of God (Rev 22:4, Rev 14:1, Rev 7:3)Â are placed upon the forehead of Human Beings. When God created the human body, he hid mysteries within its organs and members.
God speaks and deals with our spirits, and our spirits communicate the unction to our souls, and our souls communicate with our bodies.
The gate between the realm of the Soul and the Body is the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland creates Melatonin and Serotonin, and Serotonin is responsible for the happy feeling, ecstasy feeling, etc. This Serotonin affects the Frontal Lobe of the Brain.
The Frontal Lobe of the Brain is responsible for our consciousness and subconsciousness and is located near the front of the head. Â
This frontal lobe generates hormonal power from the Pineal Gland, stimulating mental experiences such as imagination, dreamlike experiences, out-of-body experiences, etc.
Many religions know this truth and use various techniques to stimulate the Pineal gland (with the help of demons), to enter this spiritual ecstasy, they call it Spiritual Awakening or Higher Consciousness.
Hence, the Frontal Lobe of the Brain is a *”Gate”* to our consciousness and the gate to the spirit realm.
This is why Adam was connected to the spirit realm while in his physical body. When Adam sinned, human beings lost connection and ability to the spirit realm. It was a Gift from God.
Today, the demons are showing people how to get back that connection to the spirit realm.
Because the Frontal Cortex is a gate; the Antichrist is seeking to control this gate by putting his Mark on it. When the Antichrist puts his mark on the forehead where the Frontal Cortex/lobe is, it means that he has marked this gate, and has total control of the person. (Revelation 13)
That is why the Angels of God also marked the Saints of God in their Forehead. This was to take control of this Gate and have total ownership of the Saints of God. This Mark is a Seal of Salvation and protection. If you are marked in your forehead by Hell, God cannot mark you. But, if you are marked on your forehead by Heaven, Hell cannot touch you.
Many people do not know that the stomach is a gate.
The stomach is the place of digestion, the place of absorption. In the spirit, it represents the gate through which you absorb things; pain, info, experience, etc. and it represents knowledge. Though it is not your mind, the word “Belly” is also called “Heart”, or “Inner Most Being” or “Bowels” or “In-depth”. The term Heart of the Earth is also called the Belly of the Earth.
Therefore, your Heart [seat of consciousness] is indeed the Belly. Jesus said out of your belly [heart/innermost being] shall flow rivers of living water.
Adam and Eve “ATE” (partake and absorb from their Belly/Stomach) and the result was that their eyes were open. This means the eyes of their understanding were opened.
Our stomach is a closed spiritual gate to your depths of information, the data center of who you are. The arena of consciousness and knowledge, your guts and bowels.
That’s why your belly button, the umbilical passage is in your stomach. Your Umbilical is the source gate of your life itself.
Many times, men of God would put their hands on your stomach to release an anointing; but people can impart demons to you by laying their hand on your stomach.
We should never allow people to rest their hands on our stomachs.
Whenever we are praying for people to break Generation Curses, we lay hands on the stomach because that is where the Family Transfer takes place.
All curses passed on from the family bloodline pass through the Umbilical Gate.
The eye is the light of the body but also serves deeper purposes. What you see can stimulate your soul negatively or positively. What you see with your eyes stimulates your thoughts, and what stimulates your thoughts stimulates your emotions, and what stimulates your emotions stimulates your desires, and what stimulates your desires stimulates your flesh.
This is visual communication. A bad sight can stimulate bad thoughts which can then corrupt you if you do not take captive every thought to obey Christ. For the Psalmist to protect his mind, he said in Psalms 101:3, I will set no wicked thing before my eyes.†We may not always be able to control what we see, but we can control how far what we see goes.
Your ears are the Ear Gate through which your mind is stimulated by auditory communications. What you hear can bless your heart or negatively stimulate your thoughts, thus corrupting your heart.
There is a demonic power that is placed in the ears of people called a Twister They are placed in the ears to make the person hear something else rather than what was said.
For Example, the pastor would say, God give us many graces,†but someone with a demonic twister will hear the pastor say, The old man with many faces. We sometimes cannot control what we hear, but we must be in control of how far what we hear goes.
The guard of our ears stands in the door of our mind which would immediately eliminate all evil sound that enters.
The nose is a gate and is stimulated by smells. There are satanic covenants that are made by smells. Many times, people would smell a foul scent in their homes of which there is no source. These smells can be due to the presence of demons. Nevertheless, sweet smells do not always mean good either. Marine spirits come to earth using certain perfumes to adapt to our atmosphere.
The mouth is also a gate into the body and eating and drinking is the way in for spiritual purposes. In the Scriptures, John 6:53, Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.â€
The same goes for the Occult. Initiation is done by magic concoctions and many rituals are done by eating substances. Snakes and other demonic creatures are also placed in the belly of many people by giving them magic potions to drink.
Many people would feel something touch them while they are in bed. The touch would feel so real, yet no one is in the room. These Nocturnal touches are not just mare touches, but demons are establishing covenants and transferring their evil energy to you.
When the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus, immediately power went out from him.
This is the same way; the kingdom of darkness would connect to people through their sense of touch. Luke 8:45, And Jesus said, Who touched me?
This is the reason why some people go to sleep and wake up with multiple scratches on their skin.
The sense of touch can stimulate great sensations, but the type and origin of the stimulation determine the thoughts that are generated thereby.
Points of Contact are materials that would be placed in your possession, to transfer demons to you from another location, i.e. the spiritual realm or geographical location.
Anything can be a point of contact; clothes, money, shoes, souvenirs, or a simple thing such as a hairpin or a plant. For this reason, Witches steal one side of a person’s shoes or a piece of clothing; to perform their ritual against you. For spell casting many Witch doctors will ask you to bring something that belongs to you to do a spell for you or against another.
Agents of evil can put evil spirits in your animals as points of contact and entry into your home. All these points of contact are evil gates.
In the Occult, water is used as a gateway to the spirit world and is a medium for divination. Any body of water is considered a gate when enchanted; lakes, rivers, ponds, seas; or any place where water is collected, (Nehemiah 2:14).
River mouths are ancient gates- A river mouth is the part of a river where the river emerges into another river, a lake, a reservoir, a sea, or an ocean. This water emerges to create a vortex and is used by Occultists as gates.
In Greek Mythology, the Rivers: Cocytus, Lethe, Phlegethon, and Styx were entrances to the Underworld. It is said that Odysseus visited the Underworld, entering through River Acheron in northwest Greece.
The gate of Egypt was the River Nile and served not only as the physical source of water but the stronghold of Egypt. It was the point of contact and gate to the gods especially “Hapiâ€, the ancient Egyptian god of the River Nile.
Volcanoes are also Gates, as they connect to the subterranean. In many cultures, volcanoes are believed to be gates leading to the underworld.
Among the many tales and beliefs, a few volcanoes are known to be Gates of Hell, namely: Darvaza Gas Crater in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan, the Erta Ale Volcano in Ethiopia, the Harrat Khaybar Volcano in Saudi Arabia, Mount Osore in northern Japan, etc. Aerial images have discovered hundreds of ancient structures found on the edge of a Volcano in Saudi Arabia. The Sulfur of Volcanoes is important for doors of subterranean demons because Sulfur is what makes up the atmosphere of Hell.
Many times we feel like our lives are trapped, walled roundabout, and our progress is blocked. It’s because the kingdom of darkness has built “Walls of Bronze†and established “Gates of Bronze†and “Bars of Iron†around our lives; (Psalms 107:15-16, Isaiah 45:2)
To get delivered, the bronze and iron gates must be broken in pieces and the walls melted by the intense heat and fire of God; Isaiah 45:2, I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.
We must know that Brass or Bronze is a metal with great significance and demons used this a lot for its purpose. This metal is used in the bible more than 132 times and is an alloy of copper and zinc.
(NOTE: Various metals have a different spiritual effect on demons, (Daniel 5:4).
Bronze is the third most used metal in the ancient world according to bible records and was used mostly for warfare purposes; gates, bars, chains, and fetters; and other things such as nails, lamps, hand mirrors, locks, cutting instruments, etc.
Figurative: It becomes a symbol of what is firm, strong, lasting, hard, obstinacy, insensibility, and unwillingness to break, (Job 40:18, Micah 4:13).
The stubborn and rebellious people are considered iron and brass. Jer 6:28, They are all stubbornly rebellious, going about with slanders; they are bronze and iron†(Eze_22:18, (Isa_48:4).
Also, God can cover our heavens with Bronze and our earth with Iron when we disobey, (Lev 26:19, Deut 28:23); but also, the spirit of brass seeks to cover our heaven to stop our prayers and blessings.
If GOD put brass over your heaven then repentance is needed, but if the devil put brass over you, repentance then warfare is needed.
People who have unproductive gardens must fight the spirit of iron, and those who pray for rain or dew must pray against the spirit of brass.
(Psalm 9:13, Isaiah 38:10, Psalm 107:18-20, Job 38:17).
Death is not just a state of being but a being. 1Co 15:26, The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
The Gate of Death causes people to die prematurely. It is always opening wider to swallow the souls of men. When you bind the gates of death, it means that the person being prayed for cannot enter the portal of death. Death must flee.
Anyone who passes through this gate will be in another state of existence. Though Christian deaths bring them to heaven, and the death of the ungodly brings them to Hell, Death is seeking to swallow all, especially those who are not saved in Christ Jesus.
This gate is used to cut off people’s lives just in the prime of their lives.
Amos 5: 12, For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins; they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right
Your legal right in gates to enter certain influences over a situation. Many people are suppressed and powerless in certain situations because they do not know their legal rights. A legal right is the power to dominate.
Your Name is a gate. Because of your name, you can gain influence over people and situations, or you can become a victim of predators.
Many people gain jobs and entry into schools because of their surname, being the child of an Icon.
A Rich man’s child or a Charitable and national Icon’s child can receive favors because the parent is highly esteemed in society.
It’s the same way a wicked man-child can become a victim of rejection and criticism. Therefore, according to your parents, it can have effects on your success both natural and spiritual. Please do not blame your parents for any negative feedback in your life; they were victims just as we are.
On Earth, there is a geographical location where there are anomalies such as surges of electromagnetic fields and energy pulses. Scientists believe the potential for portals is very high, but despite their efforts to successfully create inter-dimensional gates, all have failed. Nevertheless; Egyptian, Inca, and Mayan civilizations knew a lot about portals; whether inter-dimensional gates or gates within our realm.
In vortexes that are active (such as in Arizona, and other lay lines intersections) the headlight of the vehicles will bend and make a curve in certain areas.
Though scientists have failed to create gates in these places, the energy forces can easily be manipulated by the agents of the darkness. These places are called Sacred Grounds.
The Seven Gates of Hell – is a modern urban legend regarding locations in York County, Pennsylvania.
The story deals with a local doctor who is psychotic. He was said to have owned the land, on which he built a series of seven gates leading deeper and deeper. It is said that anyone who passes through all seven gates goes straight to Hell.
The myth was denounced by the people of Pennsylvania because they knew of only one gate ever built on his property off the town’s Trout Run Road.
However, it is said that during the daylight, only one Gate is visible, but at night, the other Gates become visible.
Also, Stull, Kansas, is one of the most controversial and is also called the Gate of Hell. It is said that even the Pope would not allow his plane to fly over this city, but would go around it.
There is also “the Gate of Death” in India, and is so-called by the Yarkandi tribal people.
Sedona is a city located somewhere in the northern Verde Valley expanse of the state of Arizona. This area is regarded as a sacred city. It is believed that the red rocks of the city desert are spiritually charged,†and that there is a high concentration of spiritual vortex in this region.
A vortex is an area of highly concentrated energy its believed to be a portal or gate to another dimension. Also doors for celestial and terrestrial spirits, and doorways to the gods. Many UFO sightings have been recorded in these regions.
People would feel vibrations from the ground, and they feel a tingling sensation on their skin, particularly on the nape of the neck. New Age proponents believe that Sedona has these power spots and vortexes in abundance; making the mountains of Arizona the home of the purported that transports beings to and from another time and space. This is also the reason why Sedona is a very popular destination for people with spiritual and metaphysical interests.
Atop hills and mountains dwell mysteries that only a few understand, and that is why many shrines and megaliths are built atop these elevated places. In the Bible, these are called “high places”.
When Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac, it was atop a mountain; Moses went atop a mountain; Elijah went atop a mountain; David built a city called Mount Zion atop a mountain; whenever Jesus wanted to pray, he went atop a mountain; when they saw the transfiguration of Christ, it was atop a mountain; Jesus was killed atop a hill; when Jesus left earth, he left atop a mountain; and when he returns, he will come down atop mount Olives the list goes on.
Atop hills and mountains, there are spiritual doors connecting to the spirit realms.
Mountains and hills represent strength but mountains also represent Kingdom. Kingdom and strength are related. Therefore, if you dream that you are climbing down a mountain it means you are losing strength; or if climbing up a mountain then you are gaining strength and safety.
When God passes, he passes atop the mountains. This is why the Bible says
Psalms 97:5, The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. Also, Jdg 5:5, The mountains melted from before the LORD, even that Sinai from before the LORD God of Israel.
Psa 114:6-7, Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and ye hills, like lambs? Vs.7, The earth trembled at the presence of the Lord
The best place to pray is atop hills and mountains and Abraham and the Patriots understood this.
David said, in Psalms 121:1, I will lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Why would his help come from the hills?
See, the Valley represents Depression but the mountains represent Elevation.
Elevation with revelation is a great progression.
Why is Jesus called the Lily of the Valley? It means that in your depressed moods, he is your Lilly; your fragrance of joy.
I am not saying that praying on the flat is not effective, nor am I telling you that praying on a mountain top is a must; for prayer can be done anywhere in spirit and in truth. But there are mysteries behind every scripture. These are things that we do not hear in modern churches.
2 Kings 23:7 He destroyed the living quarters in the Temple occupied by the temple prostitutes. (It was there that women wove robes used in the worship of Asherah.)
Note, the strong man who controls the gate to your life and presides over all evil covenants, evil decrees, evil altars, etc. is said to be a fallen angel of the rank of Throne.
Pyramids are gates to the Sun for solar gathering and solar magic.
This information was provided by Evangelist Tony Laurent