February 17, 2025

3 thoughts on “Secret Societies, Sororities Fraternities and Chrisitian Denominations

  1. Wooooow! Heavy stuff here, my goodness 😳. I haven’t even heard about most of these things. Good information 👍🏾.

  2. Pledging in secret societies is serving other gods. These popular cults are causing many people to create demonic covenants and leaders in the church are backing it because they’re apart of these groups also. I would encourage anyone that is considering or that has already pledged go pack and read your oaths. Research the names/deities you’re pledging too. Repent, renounce, denounce and be restored in Jesus Name. Freemasonry almost killed my husband but God in all His mercy delivered him. Hallelujah!

    1. Do you have access to the oaths? I’m working to get my dad out of the freemasons and I’m building up a case against it.

      How did you convince him to leave, if you don’t mind me asking?

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