This info was released in an effort to warn the false prophets . Listen to the 4...
Dr. Wayne T. Richards, D.Min, M.Div. is a revered spiritual leader, seasoned minister, and passionate advocate for deliverance and freedom in Christ. With decades of experience in ministry and a deep understanding of the supernatural realm, Dr. Richards has dedicated his life to equipping individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to experience spiritual liberation.
He must know we are not afraid. “Please Listen” to the audio clip below. What we do...
Here is an opportunity to own a special edition shirt by Deliverance Chronicles Merch dept
In my research to prepare for this session, I asked an individual who will remain anonymous...
The Global Spiritual Warfare Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mass Deliverance
Time: Jan 3,...
Don’t Cross Over with your demons, BE YE FREE #dlvrnce
This document is free to be read by all that seek to know the truth!!! #dlvrnce
I am a Christian but I am a Freemasons, Eastern Star, a member of a Sorority, and...
If you were once a member of a Masonic organization or are a descendant of someone who...
We thank you for subscribing to Deliverance Chronicles. We promise to keep you posted about all new...