March 28, 2025

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[Sticky] Reading through the Bible in 90 Days

23 Posts
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Dr Wayne
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In Genesis 18, Jesus and two angels came to visit Abraham and Abraham fed them. We should be careful entertaining strangers. They also blessed Sarah and said her time of life shall be returned to her this time next year that was the pronouncement of the seed of the promise

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Day 4/90


what I got from the reading of Day 4/90 is that even tho Joseph treated his brothers harshly he still loved them despite of what his brothers done to him because he was chosen. God shown me time and time again that even tho things may not go your way it’s because He has already has a purpose for your life. Despite the upbringings and the treatment of family they are still family and you’ll love them just as Joseph did his brothers. This day number four of reading reminded me that even tho my family don’t receive me it’s because of who is inside of me. But in His timing and His will He will make a way to restore our family and to show His love and compassion for those whom He created. He will always provide and is our provider. 

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Day 6/90


When God says to do something, you do it according to how He orders you. He is very specific and just. He has a certain way of operations and the enemy does too but one thing that sticks is that you’re either following God and His commandments or you’re following the enemy. 

Proverbs 14:12 KJV

12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof arethe ways of death.

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