March 29, 2025

3 thoughts on “No salvation without adoption

  1. Hi God bless u, I had a severe problem with evil spirits and possessions, I had a really hard time with people and gang stalking I later found out these perverted people wanted to get me sold, and when they couldnt they harrassed me in spirit form, I had gone to church’s and they would shun me and shame me with really weird personal stuff like how would you know if I had to use thw restroom. Anyway theres alot of false prophets and lost sheep being deceived by these evil spirits pretending to be GOD. This pastor prayed for me the same day I called didnt call me crazy didnt shun me and believed me. Im donating money not because he asked but because I believe he is a vessel of God and genuinely has the heart to do so. Im keeping him in my prayer list. God is good to God is the glory and the power and today and tomorrow. JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. GOD BLESS EVERYONE READING THIS <3

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