Step 1. Before we all pray, tell the church these things:
Please DO NOT attempt to command the Earth to become yielded to your spiritual authority when you are personally misaligned with God and have no desire to do His will.
To do so is to operate in the same spirit of rebellion and pride that the sons of Sceva (Acts 19) operated in when they tried to cast out demons without having a relationship with the LORD. Instead of demons leaving the possessed soul, the demoniac overpowered and beat them naked.
Speaking to the Earth to shift in our favor without first aligning our hearts towards the Lord can have the opposite effect. However, if our heart is to please the LORD, we have nothing to worry about.
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Step 2. Prayer for Speaking to the Earth:
“Heavenly Father, I ask that the Courts of Heaven be seated according to Daniel 7:10. Heavenly Father I stand in Your royal and heavenly courtroom through the precious blood of Jesus. Heavenly Father, I summon the devil into your Courtroom so he can answer and pay for everything he has stolen from me here on Earth. I decree and declare that every legal right the devil has had against me here on Earth will be broken permanently in Jesus name. Heavenly Father I have come to receive Your righteous judgment over my spiritual inheritance and destiny here on Earth. Heavenly Father, according to Psalm 103:20, I call upon Your holy angels to be supernatural enforcers of my righteous plea and also I summon the 24 elders (Revelation 5:14) to be witnesses to this legal and righteous transaction. I also decree and declare that all the demonic powers, whether they be principalities, powers or rulers of darkness that are subverting my prophetic destiny here on Earth will respect and honor Your righteous judgment over my spiritual inheritance here on Earth.
Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “If we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).” Heavenly Father, forgive me for any ancestry or personal sin that has caused the Earth beneath my feet not to give me of its fullness. Heavenly Father, I choose to forgive every person who has ever hurt me even as You forgave me in Christ Jesus. Before I speak and command the Earth to shift in my favor, I let go of every root of bitterness in Jesus’s name, I pray.
Heavenly Father, as I prepare to speak to the Earth, I denounce all illegal spiritual trades that I and my forefathers have ever made on Satan’s trading floors in the second heaven that have given Satan the legal grounds to subvert my financial prosperity and the establishment of my destiny here on Earth. I repent for all violations of God’s law and holiness that my ancestors and I created on Satan’s trading floors. Heavenly Father, I petition Your royal and supreme Court to issue a decree releasing me from the spiritual consequences of every illegal spiritual transaction. I appeal to the precious blood of Jesus to wipe out everything Satan has on me in his prosecutorial records. Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I repent on behalf of this Nation (name the name of the city or country you are in) for all the shedding of innocent blood, especially that of aborted babies. I decree and declare that I will not be a vagabond or a fugitive on Earth, like Cain who was cursed from the ground beneath. I decree and declare that the blood of Jesus Christ now sets me FREE to prosper in every area of my life here on Earth.
NOW I SAY….. (At this stage point one of your fingers towards the dirt in one of your hands)
Earth, Earth…hear the Word of the Lord! I stand before El Elyon (The Most High God), the possessor of heaven and Earth and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I call His holy angels to be witnesses and enforcers of this legal and righteousness transaction. It is written in Psalms 24:1 that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. It is also written in Psalms 115:16 that the heavens belong to the Lord but the earth, He has given to the children of men. Heavenly Father, according to Your Word, You created the Earth and filled it with Your fullness so that everything that I would ever need to fulfill Your will for my life would be provided for me from the womb of the Earth.
Heavenly Father, it is also written in Your Word that You have given dominion over the Earth to the children of men (Genesis 1:26). So, in front of El Elyon (The Most High God) and the Lord Jesus Christ, I prophesy and take authority over the Earth that this country stands on. I say… “Earth, Earth: I command and charge you to open your mouth and vomit all the blessings that the Lord ordained for me to possess and enjoy from before the foundation of the world. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. Hear these words of mine, Earth, Earth….I release you this very moment from any demonic ploys, covenants, curses, hexes or witchcraft spells that you have been brought into by the children of wickedness.
As a highly exalted Ambassador of Christ and joint heir with Jesus, I release you Earth, Earth from the burden of having to obey the words of the children of wickedness. Earth, Earth…I decree and declare that you will no longer be subdued by the evil words of those who despise the name of the Lord and His glorious Kingdom. You are now legally and righteously relieved of your duty to the children of wickedness. I now employ you in the service of Christ and His Kingdom. Earth, Earth…hear the Word of the Lord. I now command you to open your mouth and swallow every demonic altar, witchcraft spell, subversive activity, ploy, plot and plan of the enemy to destroy my life and destiny in Jesus’ name I pray.
Heavenly Father, I appeal to the judicial testimony of the blood of Jesus to wipe out every legal right and standing that the adversary had in the Courts of Heaven against my piece of real estate or that of my city or country, in Jesus’ name. Heavenly Father, I give back everything of benefit that would cause the enemy to say, I have made you rich. I only want whatever comes from the presence of the Lord. Heavenly Father you said, “If my people who are called by name shall humble themselves, seek my face, and forsake their wicked ways then I hear from heaven and heal their land.” Heavenly Father, I ask for your forgiveness for the actions of our forefathers who defiled this land. Heavenly Father I ask that you grant me a righteous verdict concerning the land that the soil in my hand represents.
Earth, Earth…hear the words of my mouth and release the good of the land, favor, divine relationships, businesses, investments, employments, physical health, and material prosperity into my life in accordance with the predetermined counsel of God for my life in Christ Jesus. Earth, Earth…hear the Word of the Lord. I decree and declare that my physical body will never return to dust until my spirit has finished its divine assignment here on Earth, in Jesus’ name I pray. I cancel and nullify the spirit of premature physical death in my life. I will live a long and healthy life, in Jesus’ name.
Heavenly Father, I now speak to the Earth that makes up my physical or humus body and I say, “Earth, Earth…I command you to open your mouth and vomit every desire for unhealthy and toxic foods. I charge you in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth to embrace a new appetite for life-giving foods that glorify God and extend my physical life here on Earth. I decree and declare that as of this moment, my humus body will be overwhelmed by divine health, in Jesus’ name I pray. I decree and declare that I receive God’s supernatural healing of all the members and systems of my physical body of dirt. Heavenly Father, I now make a motion and ask you to seal this proclamation and make it part of the official documents of the Courtroom of Heaven that Satan’s kingdom cannot subvert, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Heavenly Father, I also request your royal and supreme court to issue a divine restraining order against any territorial spirits that would like to visit upon me, what your Supreme Court has just delivered me from. May you assign high-ranking angelic officers of the Courts of Heaven to enforce this divine restraining order? In Jesus’s name. Amen!
Step 3. Place the soil back into the Earth
FINAL NOTE: After praying the above prayer, put the dirt (Earth) in your hand back into the soil as a prophetic statement that the Earth will now swallow all the diabolical plans of the devil against you. Start praising God in anticipation of the miracles He has just released in your life.
Hello Dr Wayne, question me and my husband just did this prayer, with the dirt and all is this considered a ritual?
My husband got upset! And he said we shouldn’t have done this!
I explained to him this is deliverance, from all New Age
well its not, maybe he is not there yet. why would a deliverance ministry tell you do a ritual. Isn’t that the kind of things we fight?
Hello Dr Wayne sir,I have so many questions 😔
well ask away
As Away!!!!
Blessings you dr Wayne. The Lord has told me to pray with earth, an apostle said is occultic
Dr Wayne,
May God bless you for the enlightening prayers. I believe that has through them God has released super natural breakthroughs for myself and family. When I read the scripture about Namaan taking earth after he was healed it was revealed to me that these prayers were what I needed to come out from the spirit of almost. So today on December 31 2024 I declare that I’m acquitted of all debts that have been troubling me personally and also my businesses. I’m entering 2025 with supernatural spiritual and financial breakthroughs. I will not lack and the earth will release all that has been stolen from me in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I will sing a brand new song and testify of His greatness.
Praise God man of God,
How many times is one supposed to command the earth.