Understanding Water Spirits
Water spirits. Marine demons. Whatever you want to call them, they are absolutely real. The church has focused so much on spirits like fear, rejection, and Jezebel that marine demons have been allowed to wreak havoc on many in the church around the world.
Peter describes some of these demons as roaming about like roaring lions seeking someone to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8).
Don’t you think the enemy would lurk in the water? Paul told us not to be ignorant of the devils devices, but we were largely ignorant to marine demons.
I. What Are Water Spirits?
Water spirits are what they sound like, spirits that lurk in the waters. We see water gods in mythology. What these ancients didn’t know was that these were actual demons.
In my book, Defeating Water Spirits, I deal with the water spirits I find in the Bible. I am convinced there are many others whose names we do not know. Just because they are not listed in the Bible does not mean they don’t exist. We know there are many spirits that are not listed in the Bible.
When Paul told us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices, that is exactly what he meant. I believe the enemy has many devices of which we are ignorant because our wisdom is limited. As we grow in discernment, wisdom, and understanding, we become more aware of God and His beauty and power, as well as the enemy’s strategies. Even if we have heard of water spirits, most Christians don’t know the depth of them. There are also celestial demons and ancient demons. You might compare the demonic world to races of people. It seems there are different races of demons. One of those is marine demons. Don’t be ignorant. Study to show yourself approved. Ask the Lord for revelation.
II. Warfare in Three Realms
There are three realms of the universe: the heavens, the earth, and the sea.
Psalm 146:6 (NKJV) tells us God made “the heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.†Here we see three realms of creation and three realms of spiritual strongholds.
The Bible speaks of the heavenly host, which are the angels who make their abode in heaven (see Deuteronomy 17:3). And Jesus spoke repeatedly of our heavenly Father.
The earth is the second realm. The enemy is roaming the earth like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (see 1 Peter 5:8.
The third realm or stronghold of creation is the seas. In Exodus 20:4, the Lord speaks expressly: “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.â€
Many times, we get hammered by a wicked spirit because we are fighting in the wrong realm. The first mistake is we fight against flesh and blood when the Lord says clearly we are night fighting against flesh and blood. We can’t effectively wrestle any demon when we are wrestling against people. We waste far too much time wrestling against people and compromise our authority in Christ by violating His command to walk in love and resist the devil. We have grown accustomed to battling the enemy’s foot soldiers in the earth realm and some have pressed into battling higher power demons in the heavenlies. But there is a time to battle in the water realm. And it is a different type of warfare.
III. The Power of Water Spirits Rising
Underwater warfare is a different class of warfare. We can make some natural parallels that offer helpful insight. The Holy Spirit led me to study the Navy Seals. SEAL stands for Sea, Air, and Land Forces.
Combat conducted underwater is somewhat trickier than air or land combat. Just as there are natural water dangers, there are spiritual water dangers. Indeed, scuba divers face distinct dangers, including barotrauma” which is damaged due to increased underwater pressure on the air pocket in the middle ear. When you are fighting marine demons, it can be more difficult to hear God’s prophetic warfare strategy due to the pressure.
Then there is nitrogen narcosis, which occurs under underwater pressure when the nitrogen absorbs into the body tissues. Nitrogen narcosis is dangerous because it impairs your judgment and sensory perception. When you are fighting marine demons, witchcraft can lead you to make poor decisions because you don’t see and hear rightly.
Pulmonary embolism is another danger scuba divers face. Again caused by increased pressure from undersea activity, gas held in the lungs can expand rapidly upon rising from the water and cause the lungs to swell or even burst. When water spirits attack, you can find it difficult to breathe.
The good news is God has dominion over the water. Your authority works in the water.
IV. Python Spirits Rising
Symptoms of a python attack may include weariness, a loss of passion to worship and pray,
and feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless, and even hopeless. The severity of those symptoms depends on how long this enemy has been coiling itself around you and how much pressure it has applied.
Let me show you this spirit in the Bible. You’ll find it in Acts 16:16 when Paul encounters a girl possessed with a spirit of divination. The word divination in this verse comes from the Greek word for python, which translates in English as python. Vine’s Dictionary explains how Greek mythology believed the Pythian serpent guarded the oracle of Delphi until Apollo slew it (and then took on the name Pythian). The word was later applied to diviners or soothsayers, inspired by Apollo.
V. Python Attacks Your Prayer Life
Python can attack anyone. You don’t have to be in sin to find a python trying to slide under your door. Paul was a man of prayer. Let’s look at Paul’s encounter with the python spirit.
Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her master much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.’ And this she did for many days (Acts 16:16-17).
VI. Loosed From Python’s Grip
. Paul cast the demon out of the girl, which meant her masters could no longer profit from her false prophecies. “They seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities (Acts 16:19). From there, they were falsely accused, had their clothes torn off, were beaten with rods, and thrown into prison with stocks on their feet.
Paul and Silas were in physical pain but they praised and worshiped God, which is how they broke free and how you will break free.
But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed (Acts 16:25-26). Prayer and praise are what the python is trying to stop, but prayer and praise will set you free.
VII. Leviathan
The Bible mentions Leviathan in Job 3, 40, and 41, but that is not the only place this sea monster is found in Scripture. Isaiah points out Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1, noting the Lord will punish this “fleeing serpent†and “slay the dragon that is in the sea.†Psalm 74:14 speaks of God crushing the heads of Leviathan.†Psalm 104:26 points to Leviathan among the ships in the sea.
What is Leviathan and why is it so formidable? This spirit is mentioned in the Bible repeatedly and even made its way into the dictionary. Meriam-Webster defines Leviathan as “a sea
monster defeated by Yahweh in various scriptural accounts; a large sea animal; the political state: a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy; something large or formidable.â€
Gossip is one of the first manifestations of a Leviathan spirit.
Leviathan is a covenant-breaking spirit
Leviathan also twists situations and words.
This spirit is intimidating and intimidates most people from contending with it.
Pride opens the door to Leviathan’s influence in someone’s life.
VIII. Other water spirits
Squid Spirit is the spirit of mind control
Rahab is the dragon spirit
Dragons attack at a time of crossing over or giving birth.
Merfolk spirits are found with Dagon in the Bible
Dagon was the chief God of the Philistines and the father of Baal.
Behemoth spirit – ideologies, spirits that cross land and sea
SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 1: A Powerful Prayer Against the Python Principality
This prayer is in my book, The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan, which deals with 14 demons working to destroy your life.
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus and His authority. I take authority over the python spirit operating in any and every area of my life, including my mind, will and emotions, my physical body, my relationships, and my finances. Yes, I come against every manifestation of python’s coiling grip in my life.
I stand against this serpentine devil that is working to constrict the flow of Your light and life in my heart. I break the powers of this spiritual wickedness that is working to hinder my prayer life, my praise, and my worship. I reject spiritual apathy, overwhelm, hopelessness, and weariness. I severe your coils and break the power of your lies.
I cancel the Pythons assignment against me and my city. I root out all of the eggs Python has laid in my life and territory. I command your twisting and turning ways to cease. I refuse to fear python spirits. Like the devil himself, this spirit is under my feet. Strengthen me for battle. Crush the head of the snake. I destroy your den. I tread upon you for you cannot harm me.
I decree and declare I am delivered and set free from the python’s grip. I decree and declare my prayer life will carry more fire, more wind, and more anointing. I decree and declare that my praise will release more power and my worship is my warfare. I thank You, Lord, for fighting for, through, and with me, in the name of Jesus.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE DRILL 2: A Prayer to Lose You From Leviathans Lies
This prayer is in my book, The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan, which deals with 14 demons working to destroy your life.
Father, I thank You that Your Word is truth. Your word is purified seven times. Your Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword. The truth in Your Word sets me free from Leviathan’s twisted lies. I ask You to forgive me for believing Leviathan’s lies and help me to discern this twisting dragons tall tale.
Father, cut off the head of this dreadful dragon. Break this principality into pieces for Your name’s sake. Crush this crooked criminal spirit with your strong sword. Slay this water spirit with Your Word. I come against the deceptions this sea spirit has introduced into my mind. I release the sword of the Lord against him. Rip off his scales, Lord. Break his back. Break his teeth. Rebuke him in his pride. Bring this haughty devil low.
I break loose from Leviathan’s oppression. I shake and break free from the assaults against my mind, my will, my emotions, and my body. I command a drought to come into Leviathans waters. Dry up his resting place, oh God, smite him with your mighty hand and deliver me from this demonic onslaught in the name of Jesus.
very good info.
Thank you
Thank you, Lord for this ministry! This was answered prayer!
Wow! Abundance of thanks! Thank you
To God be the Glory for this teaching. May we walk in the Spirit of God with truth and light. Thank God for His power as we walk the Kingdom of God, we are well able to crush the schemes of the devil, and spiritual warfare in Jesus Name Amen.
Wow , well explained information. God spoke to me today and i came across this! well needed!
amen, blessings
Thank you for this I’m learning new things that I have never heard of in church before but it makes so much sense thank you for taking your time and out all this together for those of us that may not be aware and seeking truth.
God is so awesome I tell Yah! Holy Ghost is All knowing. Halleluyah to El Roi…amazing is He allowing me to put this huge puzzle piece together. With this confirmation/
reinforcement, things I suspected just by being spirit-filled, it’s just that knowing, things he would show me in dreams/online, that i just didnt understanding, but this post jas further driven home some key point Abba has allowed me to see spiritually…a sister in the faith asked if dreams of fish & crab are marine spirits just yesterday…I’ve gotten dreams in the past on both as she know I’m a dreamer as a child the black communityalways say fish is pregnancy and one dream of mine confirmed that to be true, I was prompted to Google to get a better understanding of what a marine spirit really is, already studied the python and Leviathan with a dream God had given me conquering this sea creature in the dream back in 2019 with a spearsword looking object in my kitchen at my current apartment #205 which has much significance to my testimony…My Lord thank you for seeing this blog post via this ministry..Romans 8:28🙌🏼🕊😭