And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. James 5:15
No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment I condemn. Is 54:17
I am strengthened with might by Godis spirit in my inner being â€
I renounce all bitterness, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, malice, envy, jealousy, lust, occult involvement, witchcraft, pride, and fear in the name of Jesus. I am rooted and grounded in love. I forgive all those who have hurt me, wronged me, rejected me, used me, abandoned me, or harmed me. I bless my natural enemies and I overcome evil with good. “ Eph 4:1-32
I renounce all evil, all ungodliness and uncleanness, all anxiety and all unbelief in Jesus’s name. I believe that God has given Jesus all power and authority in heaven and in earth, over all things spiritual and over all things natural; over the things that are seen and over the things that are not seen. – Matt 28:18
God has rescued me from the dark power of Satan and brought me into the kingdom of his dear Son – Col 1:13
My life is hidden with Christ in God “ Col 3:3
The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. 2 Cor 10:4
I pray for angels to be released to war against any spirit in the heavens assigned to block my prayers from being answered. Daniel 10:1-20
Lord, bless me and keep me, lift up Your face upon me and be gracious unto me. Lift up Your countenance upon me and give me peace. Num 6:24-26
Lord command Your blessing upon my life. Deut 28:8
Lord turn every curse sent my way into a blessing. Deut 23:5
My sins are forgiven me and I am blessed. Ps 32:1
Let the windows of heaven be opened over my life. Is 45:8
I receive the rain and blessings from heaven upon my life I open the doors of my life for the Lord Jesus Christ to come in and reign. Rev 3:20
I shut every opening in my life to the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ. Eph 4:27
I know that You favor me because my enemies do not triumph over me. Ps 41:11; Micah 7:8
Lord, let Your arm be revealed in my life. John 12:38; Is 53:1
I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me. Luke 10:19
I am sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus far above all principalities powers, might and dominion Eph 2:6; Eph 1:21
I take my spiritual place in the heavens and I bind every spirit that is operating against me in the name of Jesus Christ. Matt 16:19
I break and rebuke any program in the heavens that would operate against me in the name of Jesus Christ. Eph 6:12
In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind and cast out any spirit of infirmity that has come upon me. Matt 10:1
Whenever I am afraid I will put my trust in you. Ps 56:3
The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1-14
I break through every limitation and barrier that the enemy has set before me in the name of Jesus Christ – Micah 2:13
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over my body, mind, soul, and spirit for healing, protection, and deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ. Ex 12:13, give me a sound heart which is the life of my flesh Prov 14:30
Heal and deliver me from all my trouble. Ps 54:7
I rebuke any sickness that has come to eat up my flesh in the name of Jesus Christ. Ps 27:1-14
Let no evil diseases cleave to my body. Deut 7:5
I break all curses of sickness and disease in my life and my ancestry including all inherited sickness from off of my life in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Gal 3:13
I break all curses of premature death and destruction against me in the name of Jesus Christ I prosper and walk in health even as my soul prospers. 3 John 1:2
The word of God is health to my flesh. Prov 4:20-22
Lord, bless my food and drink and take sickness away from me Ex 23:25
I command every organ in my body to function in the way God intended it to in the name of Jesus Christ. Let every tumor and growth melt in the presence of God in the name of Jesus Christ. Let the fire of God burn any infection in my body I release myself from all allergies and viruses in the name of Jesus Christ I pray for my arteries and veins to be opened and my circulatory system to function properly in the name of Jesus to keep my temperature within the normal range and to circulate blood around my body to my heart through my arteries and veins to deliver oxygen and nutrients to my organs and carry waste products away in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for my Integumentary (exocrine) system my skin, my hair, my nails, my sweat glands, and other glands to be healthy, to be renewed as in my youth, and to function in the way that God designed them to in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for my digestive and excretory systems to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste from my body as they were designed to do in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for my endocrine system which regulates my hormones to function as God designed it in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pray for my immune system to be strengthened in the name of Jesus and my lymphatic system to defend my body from pathogens. I pray for my muscular system to be strengthened and supple enough for me to move with ease and without pain in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pray for my nervous system to collect and process information from my senses via the nerves and my brain as God designed it. I pray for my central nervous system – my brain and my spinal cord to process, integrate, and control information received from my sense organs and send instructions to the rest of my body in the way that God designed it to do in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pray for my renal and urinary systems including my kidneys to filter blood and produce urine as waste to be expelled from my body, as God designed it to do, and for my reproductive system to function as God designed it in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for my respiratory system to be strengthened and recover from any virus allergy or disease and to function in the way that God designed it. My lungs shall not be impaired and my skeletal system be strengthened to be able to carry my body and organs as God designed it to do in the name of Jesus Christ.
I will be made whole in the name of Jesus Christ Mark 5:34; 6:56
Jesus was wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquities; the chastisement of my peace was upon the Lord and with Jesus Christ’s stripes I am healed Is 53:5
Lord, give your angels charge over me to defend and keep watch over me in the name of Jesus Christ Ps 91:11; Luke 4:10
Lord renew my youth like the eagles Ps 103:5
I will live and not die and proclaim the name of the Lord Ps 118:17
Lord, You heal all of my diseases Ps 103:3
Lord, You are the health of my countenance Ps 42:11
Heal me and I shall be healed Jer 17:14 Lord let Your virtue touch my life in the name of Jesus Christ Luke 6:19
I release the fire of God to burn out any sickness or disease that would operate in my body in the name of Jesus Christ
No sickness or plague shall remain in my dwelling Ps 91:10
Jesus Christ arise over my life with healing in Your wings Mal 4:2
The Lord is the strength of my life Ps 27
The shield of faith quenches every fiery dart of the enemy Eph 6:16
I am redeemed from the curse of the law Gal 3:13
I am redeemed from sickness and disease
Every plague is stopped when it comes near me through the blood of Jesus Christ
I am loosed from every infirmity Jesus Christ makes me whole Luke 17:19
Be pleased oh Lord to deliver me Ps 40:13
Surround me with songs of deliverance Ps 32:7
Deliver me from all fear Ps 34:4
Deliver me out of all of my trouble Ps 54:7
Deliver me from all of my distresses Ps 18:6
Deliver my life from destruction. Ps 103:4
Deliver me from evil. Matt 6:13
You are God over all flesh, therefore no sickness, disease, or infirmity ails me that you cannot deliver me from Jer 32:27 Through the blood of Jesus all sicknesses, infirmities, and diseases are healed. Isaiah 53
My God has the answer to my frailties. Ps 103:14
Lord, deliver me from them that are too strong for me Ps 18:17
I apply the healing, protective, and preserving the blood of Jesus Christ to my spirit, soul, and body Ex 12:13
You have sent Your Word to heal me Ps 107:20
I receive healing from You now, Selah The Lord gives me life and that more abundantly John 10:10
I call upon the name of Jesus Christ and I am delivered Ps 18:3
I will not be visited with evil Prov 19:23
I know that You will deliver and save me from the wicked and any plans of evil sent against me because I take refuge in You Ps 37
Lord, I receive miracles of deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ I dwell in the secret place of the most high and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty Ps 91:1
I will be satisfied with long life and God will show me His salvation Ps 91:16
Lord I pray for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to look after my spirit, my soul, and my body so that they prosper and remain in health as you intend for them to do Jam 1:5; Eph 1:18
Thank you, Lord, for I know that the plans that you have for me are plans of good and not of evil. Jer 29:11
I thank You with my whole heart 1 Thess 5:18
Thank You, Lord, that You hear the cry of Your children and You answer them
Thank You, Lord, for You have heard my distress and my prayers Ps 18:6; 2 Sam 22:7; Ps 120:1; Ps 118:5
Thank You, Lord, for You have sent help to me today from Your sanctuary Ps 20:2
Thank You, Lord, for You have strengthened my heart Ps 27:14
Thank You, Lord, that I have boldness and access through the blood of Jesus Christ to the throne of grace Eph 3:12
Thank You, Lord, that You call me righteous Rom 3:22; 2 Cor 5:21
Thank You, Lord, that You were made sin for me who knew no sin 2 Cor 5:21
Thank You, Lord, for You are the God of the breakthrough and You have gone up before me and broken through all the limitations and barriers of the enemy Micah 2:13
Thank You Lord for whom the Son sets free is free indeed John 8:36
Thank You Lord for You have not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
Thank You Lord for Your grace towards me Thank You Lord for Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death You are with me, Your rod and Your staff they comfort me Ps 23:1-6
Thank you for your commitment to studying and releasing prayers of healing and deliverance. Sometimes people don’t prayer because they can’t find the words. Thank you for helping them find healing in and through The Word. You compell others to pray and study all the more.
Yes thank you so much for these healing prayers! I have been wanting to increase my prayers words against infirmity and these prayers do it!! Thank you so much for your time and effort in putting these together!
Yes thank you for these prayer points on healing! I have been wanting to up my healing prayers and these prayer points have helped me do that! I appreciate the time and energy spent on doing this!!