Negative Trading Floors Mike Parsons
Money, materialism
King of Tyre robbed God’s temple, used the gold to build a trading city
Baal worshiper (idolatry fertility, sensuality, child sacrifice)
Money Mammon took temple gold & built a trading city with it
Operating from a poverty mentality
Whenever I say, “I don’t have enough,†or, “I want more,†not trusting God’s provision Whenever I buy today & pay tomorrow, I am in debt & slavery
Not bringing full tithe into church & not giving offerings when God directs you
Tithing on the net & not the gross, controlling your own tithe
Whenever you rob God to meet your own needs
Stealing, cheating, falsifying claims, tax dodging, not working your full hours’ Gambling – trusting luck, not God
Materialism, using things to meet a spiritual or emotional need
Clothes, chocolate, shoes, & handbags
Cars, boats, boys’ toys, houses, sex
TV, music, books, family, work
Gold from God’s temple to build our own trading systems
Kingly seed
Jezebel’s daughter or sister-in-law, married King of Judah, tried to control future seed by killing
all possible heirs using political system usurping authority
Baal worshiper (idolatry fertility, sensuality, child sacrifice)
Athaliah is after your kingly seed & future inheritance
Whenever you say, “I am not good enough,†or “I can’t do this†because of your past Whenever you don’t receive affirmation because of your past life
Whenever you trade the present for the future through sin
Whenever you submit to familiar spirits in agreement with their lies about your identity Whenever you don’t accept sonship or God’s Fatherhood
Jer 20:10 For I have heard the whispering of many, “Terror on every side! Denounce
him; yes, let us denounce him!†All my familiars, Watching for my fall, say: “Perhaps he will be deceived, so that we may prevail against him And take our revenge on him
Whenever you accept instant gratification rather than a future blessing – Esau sold his birthright
Familiars defame your identity and rob you of authority Masonic – checkerboard trading floor for future seed Promise of influence – family curses
Manipulation, control, domination, witchcraft
Daughter of Ichbaal (Tyre) married King of Israel, control the religious systems Baal worshiper (idolatry fertility, sensuality, child sacrifice)
Using control, manipulation, witchcraft, & domination
Whenever you have used your emotions to get your own way
Whenever you have been controlled by religious systems e.g. legalism, dead works
Controlled by the political system of church life, offer of future position for silence or cooperation
Whenever you have nagged to get your own way
Whenever you have used your sexual wiles to get your own way Whenever you have used a substance to alter your mood – Pharmacia Whenever you use a substance to mask or blot out something Whenever you have used blackmail of any sort
Whenever you have accepted being manipulated for acceptance
Son of Satan, serpent seed who murdered Abel his half brother because of jealousy & his
Murderer, anger in the heart, justification of our behavior
Whenever we hold anger, resentment, or bitterness in our hearts
Whenever we assassinate someone’s character to justify ourselves – innuendo, insinuations, etc.
Whenever we make accusations motivated by jealousy or fear
Whenever we don’t forgive & release
Whenever we don’t follow correct protocol biblically in dealing with conflict
Whenever we don’t go and confront in love
Whenever we have something against someone and talk to someone else about it Whenever you don’t love your wife by giving yourself up for her
Whenever you don’t honor your husband by respecting him
Whenever we don’t act as our brother’s keeper
Whenever we take pleasure in someone else’s sin to make us feel better
Seduction, pleasure, gratification that robs destiny
Seducer causes us to lust in our heart
Offers to falsely meet our emotional needs through self-gratification
Mind – living in fantasy worlds
Heart – patterns, beliefs, protocols to gain: acceptance, approval, affirmation
Lust after a romanticized image
Lust after an eroticized image
Pornographic images, fantasies, gratification without relationship & responsibility
Sex without love to meet our own needs
Sex because you need to be needed
All sex outside of marriage
Some sex within marriage
Enticement to lust after anything that offers self-gratification
Money, power, position, influence
Matt 6:1 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them;
otherwise, you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
Gossip, Lies, deceptions
Twister demonic creature, deception, lies, & gossip
Twister, perverter of truth, gossip
Whenever you lie to make others think better of you, approval of men Whenever you exaggerate to give yourself a better appearance
When you deceive by half-truth
Gossip for self-promotion or advantage
Use information as a source of power to get acceptance or recognition Cheat at tests, exams, etc., to appear better than you are
Anything we do to fit in and be accepted
Whenever you withhold truth to give yourself an advantage Whenever you try to impress people
Whenever you act falsely or wear a mask to get people to like your Facebook – trading information
Whatever you upload belongs to them and is never deleted
The world sees your attitudes, fears, anxieties, displaying your atmosphere You are multiplying it with every wall & friend it appears on Atmospheres draw the spirit world to it
Opposes gospel
Fallen angel, opposes preaching of the gospel
Destroyer of inheritance & life to hinder the gospel
Whenever we have refused to share the gospel
Whenever we have preached false gospels
Whenever we have been involved with religious cults (JW, Mormons)
Whenever we have been ruled by fear or embarrassment
Whenever we have shared a cheap gospel of salvation message
Whenever we have not pointed out the cost of discipleship
Whenever we have watered down the gospel
Whenever we have let our testimony be destroyed by sin and have lost confidence in
sharing the gospel
Whenever we have felt hypocritical & did not share the gospel
Whenever we have compromised and not shared.
Ezek 33:6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet
and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them,
he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.
This document is drawn from material in Mike Parsons’ teaching series Transformation 2012, available from Freedom Apostolic Resources website: freedomtrust.org.uk