Many people have not received an understanding of the secret operations and distribution of demonic cosmetics manufactured in the Marine Kingdom.
We must know, that in the kingdom of Darkness, there is a section where Beauty Products and Cosmetics are made and brought to the surface of the earth to supply major Distribution Companies.
Also, Manufacturing Companies are supplied with Materials from under the Sea for the production of cosmetics tied to witchcraft. Material such as: “urine”, “cemetery bone powder”, “human blood”, etc.; and these are used to make Beauty products.
Many Sirens are in charge of beauty products and cosmetics, however, the “Divas” of the Indian Ocean and the “Queen of India”, together with other goddesses and queens are in charge of this section.
In the Kabbalistic kingdom [Marine kingdom] there are Laboratories where extreme technology and sophisticated equipment are used by high-ranking Satanists to design things that are seductively beautiful and irresistible. They are created by scientists, technical engineers, Physicists and designers, etc., who work tirelessly to design perfumes, assorted types of cosmetics: Lipsticks, Face powders, Eye Shadows, Eyes and Lip liners, Eyelash Extensions, Face Primers, Foundation, Contour powder/cream Cream, Concealers, Blusher, Highlighters, Bronzers, Setting Spray/Powders, Eye Primers, Mascara, Lip Gloss/balms, Applicators.
Beauty products have pythons. These products, when you use them, look in the morning you will begin to shine with the power of seduction, by a glow that I understand is called the “light of the Sunrise”. One is these products is named “Motion”.
MERMAID INTERCESSORS – There are a group of mermaids who continually sit and are responsible for making intercession to the Queen of Heaven so that [their targets] specific people on the Earth would fall into the lure of vanities in Hairstyles, Cosmetics, Clothing, Money and other love of the Worlds.
These prayers and petitions should be countered in prayer daily.
These intercessors would also pray to the queen of heaven for the blockage of hearts and minds of people so that they would not see the truth or understand messages against marine kingdom products.
In the kingdom of darkness, perfumes are heavily used as channels of the astral realms and substances of manipulation and seduction.
The kingdom of darkness would burn incense and perfume to cause heaviness and slumber in a home or congregation. Bewitchment by aromatic scents is also placed in crossroads, roundabouts, fork roads, and strategic places such as marketplaces, etc.
Many manufacturers of perfumes are either covenanted with witchcraft for success and fame, or they are getting their ingredients from the dark world.
Many of these perfumes on earth are named after a water Siren, mermaid, or some other category of demons. The scent of many perfumes is the actual scent of the mermaid or siren which is represented by this perfume.
All perfumes that are contracted with witchcraft, made in the kingdom of darkness, carry the name of a demon, or carry the scent of a marine creature are items of the satanic world. Those who wear these perfumes become ensnared and covenanted with marine demons.
These Marine Kingdom perfumes instill bad character, induce bad habits, arouse evil compulsions, increase carnality, kill prayer lives, dry spiritual lives, and block spiritual advancements and prayers.
Among the thousands of tactics used to destroy the servants of God, whenever husbands and wives are under surveillance by the Marine kingdom, if they have quarrels and fights, and they do not resolve their issues and forgive one another, the kingdom of darkness in many cases would set a snare using a woman wearing enchanted perfumes.
The perfume is manipulative and enchanted specifically to lure a man into a trap.
As soon as he smells that perfume, he starts manifesting old attitudes towards his wife and children would fuel more quarrels and manifestations of anger and rage. He would even start lusting after other women and find himself in adultery and other sexual immorality. All these would lead to a divorce. The division, separation, and divorce would accomplish the mission.
Take note, if you go to certain places and take the scent of sweet perfume, but there is no source then there may be a mermaid in the area.
When humans enter the enchanted atmosphere of these perfumed areas, these scents are manipulated by those who are exposed to these evil aromas.
They will fall under satanic manipulations and attack unless the person is under the fire of the New Anointing.
WIGS AND HAIR EXTENSIONS Many Wigs and Hair extensions sold in stores were either manufactured in the Marine kingdom or they were manufactured on the earth, and the Factories got their raw material from the marine kingdom, or the manufacturers are in a pact with Satan. [This is common because of strict competition in the hair industry].100% Human hair is hairs that come from various parts of the world; but the main countries are “Brazil”, “India”, “South Africa”, and the United Kingdom”. However, most of these hairs are spiritual points of contact because they are sacrificial hairs [hair that was cut as sacrificial offerings to the gods, and were sold to merchandisers]; or they came directly from the Sirens [water demons], or they came from humans [Witches or normal people] but went through satanic manipulations and rituals. When a woman puts on a Weave, Wig, or hair extension that is manufactured by a factory of the Marine kingdom, she becomes demonically enchanted. Because the hairs are demonically charged, they would send forth signals in the spirit realms, and the signal would be picked up by the communication tower in the Pandemonium kingdom. The hairs are also enchanted to collect DNA and blood samples through the woman’s sweat. Note, that the sweat comes from the blood; therefore, when the woman sweats, it goes on the wig and goes directly to the Marine kingdom. The dark world would then start controlling the women from beneath the Ocean. The woman may experience Cephalic problems such as “migraine headaches”, “Tumors” etc., but most of all will come under satanic bondages, where her life will be shortened, and her spirit would become a property of the Marine kingdom; even if she is a Christian. Wearing cursed hair will make a woman an accursed soul and an abomination to Heaven. DEMONIC LIPSTICKS Many lipsticks sold in stores are made under the Oceans and are enchanted with curses and incantations through satanic rituals. These lipsticks would be made with human blood, substances from decaying dead bodies of the cemeteries, and other substances concocted together to create a compound. When women put on these enchanted Lip balms and Lipsticks, the women’s lips would look beautifully polished and attractive in the natural realm; but in the spirit realm, the woman’s mouth would have the feature of a demonic creature, and her lips black like darkness. Her tongue also would resemble that of a creature. In these photos, the makeup artists created this image on the girls’ faces. What the artists and the girls do not know is this; the images created on the women’s faces are the exact image of what they would look like in the spirit realm; the resemblance of the demon. These images here are perfect resemblances of what a woman’s mouth looks like in the spirit realm when she puts on a cursed lipstick. The woman using the lipstick will have her mouth resembling that of the water Siren whose product the lipstick is. BLACK LIPSTICK Black lipstick is a witchcraft or cemetery image and emblem. Marine demons don’t use black lipstick for seduction because black lipstick does not carry the attraction of seduction. Rather they use blue, red, and other colors with sparkle glossiness to seduce and lure. Black lipstick has a meaning and that is why witches and necro beings use black lipstick. Gothic image is represented by Black lipstick and so is Calypso, the witch demon behind the Genre Calypso. Gothic used only black makeup especially the lipstick because they are representing the dark voice of the realm of the dead. Black lipstick cast a demonic shadow over the Mouth and their words will be covered with darkness. It’s the Symbol of Black Magic. The manipulations are so powerful, that it only takes a servant whose eyes are open with the strongest of discernment, to see the true nature of these beautiful-looking lipsticks. When a Christian woman worships with these enchanted lipsticks or lip balms, out of her mouth would proceed a stench and bad smell of rotten flesh. |
FACE POWDERS This strategy is used by water Sirens to steal the beauty of women for themselves. Many face Powders are designed under the Sea and are made with Demonic feces, dry dirt taken from the ground of Hell, Dead people’s bone powder, etc. It is made to look and smell captivating through enchantments and perfected compounding of various substances. Cabello is one of these manufacturers. Note, that Cabello is a king of the Marine kingdom who is also in charge of beauty products. He rules the Cabello Kingdom in the marine kingdom. These Powders may cause the face to look beautiful in the natural, but in the spirit realm, because of the demons in these powders, they would cause the face of the women to look like the face of a dead person; withered or having the appearance of a monster. While the human woman is getting uglier in the spirit realm, the Siren demon is becoming more beautiful and humanlike; stealing the human’s beauty and gaining the appearance of a young woman in her teens or 20s. This manipulation is important to the Marine Kingdom because the Sirens are very ugly. The manipulation enables them to blend in among humans. A similar version of this enchantment is seen in the Animated movie “Tangled”, where the Witch called Mother Gothel uses the Magick in Rapunzel’s hair to change her old-age appearance to that of a young beautiful woman. There are Christians who are deep in God, beautiful on the outside but they have the face of a monster. |
Eye Shadow is basically what it is in the spirit realm a shadow over the eye. There are extreme eyeshadows, and there are moderate use of eyeshadows. Nevertheless, it is no mystery, and it is not a modern practice, (Jeremiah 4:30).
Eye shadows are, were, and have always been an adornment of seduction amongst seductresses of pagan societies. According to biblical history, Eyeshadows were developed and used for witchcraft and seduction for sexual immorality.
Ezekiel 23:39 – 41, “The very day that they killed my children as sacrifices to idols, [pagan practices]; they came to my Temple and profaned it!”
“Again and again they sent messengers to invite men to come from a great distance, and the men came. The two sisters would bathe and put on eye shadow and jewelry“.
Also, at 2 Kings 9:30, Jehu arrived in Jezreel. Jezebel [A Zidonian Witch], having heard what had happened, put on eye shadow, arranged her hair and stood looking down at the street from a window in the palaceâ€.
In modern society, many Eye shadows are enchanted to cast demonic shadows and veils over the eyes of women so that a cover would be placed over their vision and block their spiritual sight.
Jesus addressed this spiritual blindness in revelation as he prophesied what would befall the last Apostolic Church Age, (Rev 3:18).
It has become a later-day practice where women have grown to be dissatisfied with their natural eyelashes and seek to put add-ons.
Many of the eyelash extensions are made with the hair of sea demons; and are sent to the surface to trap the soul of women.
This manipulation is to steal the woman’s vision, block her sight, and cast her blindness spiritually.
When a woman puts on these things, they are saying to God, God I do not appreciate your natural eyelashes that you gave me, I want longer eyelashes.
These eyes lashes also there to lure and enchant men, for they carry demons of lust and seduction. Pro 6:25, Do not desire her beauty in your heart, and do not let her capture you with her eyelashesâ€.
Isa 3:16, They flirt with their eyes and make tinkling sounds with their ankle.”
This image shows an accurate image of what many humans look like in the spirit realm using satanic makeup and cosmetics.
Many people who are victims of demonic harassment do not know the doorway by which the demons came into their lives.
The Doorway of the kingdom of darkness is ALWAYS sin.
Many people are not able to pray or fast because of demons that are attached to their clothes or items. People who have items of demons are seen naked in the spirit realm. Therefore, Jesus said, they think they are clothed but they are naked. As long as an enchanted or accursed thing rests on a human body, the clothes of this person automatically disappear.
Sin is the image of the Devil, but he also manifests whatever you are.
Php 3:2 says, “Beware of dogs”; also, Rev 22:15 says, “For outside are the dogs and sorcerers;
Who are the dogs? Dogs are coupled with evil workers, people of pagan foundations, and people of contemptuous character. A dog is a figure of insignificance.
The dog spirit also represents backsliding. People who are dogs in spirit will be slaves to the Devil who will manifest with the head of a Dog; he is god of the dogs.
Many women, even Christian women are not aware of these satanic movements. 1 Corinthians 2:14, A carnal person does not accept the teachings of God’s Spirit. He thinks they are nonsense. He can’t understand them because a person must be spiritual to discern them.
are there photos that are associated with this blog as it mentions? I am also wondering if there are specific brands that are associated with the marine kingdom that you can possibly list out? thanks so much for this extremely fascinating.