Welcome to the Deliverance Chronicles Merchandise Page. This was created for one purpose and one purpose only....
Prayer Points
The Earth before the Garden. I think to adequately discover all of the data concerning the topic...
Tonight I wana talk about Blessings, Sometimes the blessing is localized or initialized by a place, I...
I could find no greater examples of God’s restorative abilities in the lives of people but in...
As I view this question through my own human frailty, my sinful nature, propensity, and proclivities I...
I’m currently in Orlando Florida on a humanitarian mission, and as I layed in bed I heard...
Generational Blessings Tonight I want to talk about Blessings, Sometimes the blessing is localized or initialized by...
The promotion after the trial. God is seeking permission to show off in your lives I could...
Defining the altar (Heb. mizbe’ah, from a word meaning “to slay”), any structure of earth (Ex. 20:24)...
Simply believing in God is great but there is more. For many of us have issues...