Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your mercy and your kindness and all the wonderful ways that you are to us all. Father thank you for your grace and lovingkindness to us as your children. Father God, we come to you today with heartfelt repentance concerning music by the artist Ciara. Father we stand on 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Father God, we repent for all of our sins, transgressions, and iniquities knowingly and unknowingly going all the way back to Adam and Eve. Father, please hear our cry according to Psalm 18:6, In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple, he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.
Heavenly Father, we repent for all albums and singles that we have ever purchased by Ciara through CDs, vinyl, cassettes, digital downloads from websites like Amazon, Lime Wire, BitTorrent, FrostWire, Rhapsody, mp3 downloads and all of the like, and streaming sites, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Tidal, SoundCloud and all of the like including but not limited to Goodies, Ciara: The Evolutions, Fantasy Ride, Basic Instinct, Ciara, Jackie, Beauty Marks and all other albums not yet made after the time this prayer was written. We repent for all Ciara idolization that came in through songs, music videos, interviews, movies, documentaries, and all of the like. Father God, we repent for the purchasing of all merchandise such as perfumes, clothing, tour tickets, and all of the like. We repent for glorifying her lifestyle. We repent for coming into agreement with the kingdom of darkness, the marine kingdom, and all things that would lead us astray through Ciara.
Father God, I renounce everything that entered through the song Goodies. I renounce one night stands in the name of Jesus. It breaks off now in Jesus’ name. I renounce all hypnotizers that entered through the song in the name of Jesus and I break them off with Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. I command all innocence that was stolen from every person who listened to this song to be returned in Jesus’ name. Everywhere commitment is an issue I command it to be no more in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that full dedication and commitment in relationships and all areas of our lives will commence in Jesus’ name. Father God, I repent for leading men into temptation through seduction and using my body to get what I want. I repent for enticing men. Pause this if you are a man and say the following: (I repent for lusting after Ciara. I repent for committing adultery in my heart. I renounce all spirits of lust and burn them by fire in Jesus’ name. I renounce all spirits of adultery and command it to the pit now in the name of Jesus.) Every seductive spirit that entered through Ciara’s music breaks off now in the name of Jesus.
Father God, I renounce and repent for all spirits of perversion, jezebel, hypersexualization, transgenderism, lesbianism, homosexuality, and sex magic that entered through Ciara’s music. Every spirit of perversion that entered through Ciara’s music die by fire in Jesus’ name. Jezebel, I crush your talons in the name of Jesus. Jezebel, I remove all of your rings by fire, I remove all your anklets by fire, I remove all your necklaces by fire, I remove all your earrings on the people of God by fire, I remove all your belly rings by fire, I remove all your headwraps by fire, I remove your lashes by fire, I remove all your hair jewelry by fire in Jesus name. I dismantle the altar that you sit on jezebel. I command the angels to crush your altars in Jesus’ name. I set fire to every chain you’ve placed on the people of God in the name of Jesus. Every spirit of hyper sexualization, transgenderism, lesbianism, homosexuality, and sex magic that entered through Ciaras music – I sever your ties. I address you all as one. And I bind you all as one and I cast you into the pit now in Jesus name.
Father God, I renounce all crowie shell enchantments that entered through the Goodies music video. Father God, we come against all witchcraft, divination, all Yoruba deities, and their functions, and the Hindu God Bagalamukhi and all their associations and functions. I dry up your fountains. I set fire to everything you own right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Everywhere Bagalamukhi has put halts in our lives through Ciara music I command it to be lifted now in the name of Jesus. I destroy the altar that Bagalamukhi sits on by fire in the name of Jesus. I dismantle all functions of your devices – may they malfunction and be irreplaceable now in Jesus’ name. I come against every flame caster spirit. Your fire is not as hot as the Holy Ghost’s fire straight from the throne of God. I command all your fire to cease now in Jesus’ name. I command the angels to go in with their swords of the spirit and tear apart every limb you possess. They will no longer be used to torment the people of God in any way shape or form in Jesus’ name.
Father God, we renounce every spirit of sneakiness, entires of spell casting, deaf, dumb, and mute spirits, hearing impaired, being taught how to have sex (by dances of body whine, body rolls, and all the associated acts), rebellion, desperation and all of the like. I bind you all as one, I address you all as one. I command you to come up and out of the people of God right now in Jesus’ name. I judge the altars that these spirits and all their associations sit on. I bind you with chains of fire and cast you to the pit never to return.
Father God, we renounce all spirits of pedophilia that entered through Petey Pablo and the song Freak A Leak. The Lord explained to me that the song Goodies was a response to the song Freak A Leak and in the song, Petey Pablo is a high-ranking pimp. He explained that the pimps have rankings. There is protocol in the streets. This song opened up doors to sex addiction. We renounce all pimping and sex trafficking that entered through this song Father. All sex addiction that entered as a result of listening to this song I bind it with chains of fire and command it up and out and to the pit now in Jesus’ name. I command all pimp/sex trafficking up and out and to the pit now in Jesus’ mighty name. Everywhere we have offered our tongues to Mayan and Aztec deities through tongue piercings/ the inspiration from the song Freek A Leak – Father we repent right now in Jesus’ name. We renounce every deity that may have entered as a result.
Heavenly Father, I break off all word curses that were put in on your sons and daughters as a result of interacting with Ciara, Petey Pablo, and all other related songs. Father God, I serve Ciara and all her associates’ divorce papers now in Jesus’ name. Heavenly Father, Righteous Judge, I ask for a ruling and divine edict against the spirit and altar of Ciara and her music and all associations would now be issued by your heavenly Supreme Court in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that all acts that Ciara and her music and all associations the altar it sits on are now disbanded, deconstructed, and decimated now in Jesus’ name. Heavenly Father, I receive this divine restraining order and permanent edict by faith in Jesus’ name. Because it is written in the great Book of Life that faith without works is dead. I believe by faith that Ciara and her music and all associations have been dismantled, judged, and irradicated in Jesus’ name. Heavenly Father, o my righteous judge, I now ask you to seal and soak (x3) my righteous verdict against Ciara and her music and all associations in the name of Jesus. Please Father, any legal proceedings that occurred during this prayer – may they also be soaked and saturated in the blood of Jesus. I decree and declare that my righteous verdict of release and breakthrough from Ciara and her music and all associations is now secured in the documents of the courts of heaven. Just like your word says in John 8:36, “WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED. AND TODAY WE ARE INDEED FREE FROM CIARA AND HER MUSIC AND ALL ASSOCIATIONS AND THE ALTAR IT SITS ON IN JESUS’ NAME. AMEN.”
While I started praying this I started get stomach pain and hurt burnI forgot as male in 2004 I got a big crush after seeing video my freshman year at Hampton University. Around that time I become very sexual activity in college and beyond I forgot all about until I start praying the prayer
Chelsea, this is powerful!!!